uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Yes there is a real problem with sales AND downloads. For sales i'm not sure , but for download it's really obvious.Some uploader here or uploaded.net admin can say what they want : there is a problem. So uploaded decreased ppd rates and moreover they cheat with PPD count. :thumbdown:

As far as i'm concern i will upload some files tomorrow and stop until everything back to normal.

I prefer to focus on an other business project...
I confirm that all is working like a charm, i don't know whats happening with you guys who complain, but sales are always ok, ppd is just an extra, so don't give it a lot of interest, to count 1 dl, a customer must begin his day of downloading with your link , and it's the only one counted in 24 H. So it's normal ppd is sometimes up sometimes down.
I confirm that all is working like a charm, i don't know whats happening with you guys who complain, but sales are always ok, ppd is just an extra, so don't give it a lot of interest, to count 1 dl, a customer must begin his day of downloading with your link , and it's the only one counted in 24 H. So it's normal ppd is sometimes up sometimes down.

sales are not ok and ppd too not.

i have before cents up and downs,but earning are bigger.now i have too cents up and downs but earnung are múch smaller.

uploaded.to not counted correct
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Question about Webmoney

Does anybody know how
1. I can register for Webmoney from the United States
2. Select Webmoney from under Payout (uploaded.net) and without registering at Webmoney.com somehow get my payment from UL.

Am pretty sure someone has somehow figured a way out of this situation. If you have please I will be mightily obliged to you if you share it with me - pm or in this forum.
Does anybody know how
1. I can register for Webmoney from the United States
2. Select Webmoney from under Payout (uploaded.net) and without registering at Webmoney.com somehow get my payment from UL.

Am pretty sure someone has somehow figured a way out of this situation. If you have please I will be mightily obliged to you if you share it with me - pm or in this forum.

hi, You can use a vpn software and register behind an other country accepted by WM, even "hide my ip" app can do it ;).
hi, You can use a vpn software and register behind an other country accepted by WM, even "hide my ip" app can do it ;).

Thanks for the response. What about the address and telephone portion of the registration form? I know, I know.... use that of some European base friend or acquaintance!

Any other suggestions out there?
Sales and downloads working perfectly just like the past few months, also why instead of trying to get this good thread closed, don't you guy move to another filehost instead of bitching about how this one works, i bet you guys love to being scammed by every FOTM filehost.

If this filehost isn't for you then move on don't be stupid and stop wasting you time.
no matter :)

charles :D sorry won't comment:D life and think that u're right :D xD
amazing! such people exist!!!!!!!!!! :D

Sinem check PM

LOL, what's up boy.

again, so many lame faces.

and today is Saturday, wow, you are expecting ul.to to take a shit look at your post here to realize you have sent him a pm.

excuse me, are you newbie of ul.to

it's Saturday.

yeah, such people like you exist, LOL

if you want, i can keep trolling with you, if you want to troll.
how you make ? me too since 1 week, my download is good but rates is very down compared to before. My files was download by japanese so normaly rates its 5€ and 10€ (silver) but since 1 week look like Japan pass from silver to bronze.
Hello guys! I have a question! I just created an account webmoney, now I have to create Purse I have 5 options VMZ WMR WMU WMB WMG, WichI have to choose between them?

Wmz equivalend USD, I think this, but I'm not sure

Please Help!
Hello guys! I have a question! I just created an account webmoney, now I have to create Purse I have 5 options VMZ WMR WMU WMB WMG, WichI have to choose between them?

Wmz equivalend USD, I think this, but I'm not sure

Please Help!

you need WME purse for euro payout
can someone confirm if after the declined Payza payout your balance is back to the previous value?
I requested a payout, this was declined due the Payza issues, now my balance is the double but the Disbursed Amount is -1€ :/
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