uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Anyone know how much fee take corespodent bank fo bank transfer payment.

up to the bank, you should ask your bank for this information.

no because Till don't want to answer on this question - i send him PM i post here but still no answer.
bank transfer was ALWAYS WITHOUT ANY FEE's but from october 2012 TRANSFERS ARE SEND IN NEW WAY - FEE is taken not by ul, not by Ur bank but by banks beetween ul.to bank and Ur's bank.
Why transfers are send in new way? Till avoid answer

Yep i avoid the answer

ul.to should do something about that. My earnings dropped on half since 25th , i even checked the affilate program and thought uploaded.to was back on 10/20 euro for ppd

we can't do much about All- and Real-debrid, its sadly a cat/mouse game.... <_<
To ul.to : why you removed phone payment ?
what about add WM like payment method ?
people will never give phone number to pay filehost premium account.
want to know I can convert my points in hybrid traffic ?

i don't want complain but i don't think that all the other filehost company are idiots , because all allow WM and no one of them ask phone number for credit card payment .
so really i can't understand .
in this way all will go to reseller to pay premium and this isn't nice

Till please answer here
up to the bank, you should ask your bank for this information.

Yep i avoid the answer

we can't do much about All- and Real-debrid, its sadly a cat/mouse game.... <_<

No you can , it's really important : look at depositfiles , they played this game and they win ! You just have to track them still 2 months and they will give up because they don't want to lose too much money.

As far as i'm concern i haven't sale since 10 days. However i earned more with download than 10 days ago , but no sale. So why? Either you cheat with sales or due to real debrid? Maybe the both...
It's really frustrating because i'm sure there is a problem. I make more effort to have sale than 10 days or 20 days ago but nothing.

firstly - sorry till i missed ur answer.
U mean the mistake was sending transfers where they are marked as "SEPA TRANSFER". After fixed up the problem transfer are marked as "NORMAL TRANSFER" (from 30 days they as shown like this).
So actual situation will stay?

also u mentioned that "not all banks in Eu are without fee's" u mean fee's betwwen ur and my bank - fee's from bank who help our banks to transfer money? do i understood correctly?

looking for ur answer
Guys, we marked all payments with our old bank as SEPA payments, that's the reason you weren't charged anything - but we didn't know, that we automatically get charged 15 to 20 EURs per payment, if the SEPA payment fails because your bank isn't capable of processing SEPA payments.

We changed our bank approx 2 months ago and the new eBanking interface shows us directly if your bank account is capable of SEPA transactions or not, if it's capable, you'll receive it SEPA, if it's not capable, you'll receive it in the normal way with bank service fees. These fees depend on the banks rates.
Hi all, i have a problem with payza. They dont transfer the money to a german bank:

Withdraw funds by bank transfer has been temporarily disabled for bank accounts in specific countries. You cannot transfer funds into the bank accounts currently linked to your Payza account.

Any idea what to do or where i can pay with payza money?
Hi guys!

I asked for the first payment of 133 € few weeks ago and still without received it. I have asked a second of 53 € that goes more than one week in OPEN. What happens with the payments? I used BANK TRANSFER as always....
Hi all, i have a problem with payza. They dont transfer the money to a german bank:

Withdraw funds by bank transfer has been temporarily disabled for bank accounts in specific countries. You cannot transfer funds into the bank accounts currently linked to your Payza account.

Any idea what to do or where i can pay with payza money?

I talked right now with Payza and they only told me to use an exchanger, that means you have around 10% extra commissions :facepalm:

i have the same problem with a romanian bank,i hope is a temporary problem for payza :(

I also asked for Romanian banks as well as for German banks. As i know there are 8 countires having this issue.
There is not time frame when it will be solved (support told me) better not to wait.
Look for an exchanger and after for a new payment processor

Till i have sent you an PM to cancel my Payza request
Payment Options?

Hello, I cannot seem to locate a way to set up my Webmoney ID. Can this be done through the options somehow or I need to wait until I have enough funds to make a request?

ATB but there r no reliable exchanger for payza bz those exchagers also fce problem withdrawing money to their bank . I have searched alertexchanger but only see many scam topics abt it on google .
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