uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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is anyone getting "503 Authentication failed. Blocked." ftp error? My file manager is also empty. My uploaded files won't display.

Added after 7 minutes:

this time i'm getting
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing


Added after several (LOL) minutes:

It's working now.
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Some of my visitors are pretty annoyed, because they can't download anything on UL.
For example, some indonesian visitors said they only get a white page.

Are some countrys blocked -completly??

we don't block any countries, they could try another browser.

how change plan PPD to PPS ??

Both plans are active on default and at the same time.

I asked filehost owners about the date of next payout. Y you both guys post something that don't concern to the question?

there is no payout date, we payout in batches and request date ranges.

everything is slow.. it happen everyday at this time... and goes no for next 10 hours

im downloading in kbps :(

As i said already, we're working on that but it takes time. The download speed fall because of an overload.

why the number of downloads in files manager differ from number of downloads on affiliate page? which one is correct?

14 downloads in files manager, and only ONE as "valid" on affiliate page? wtf?

The filemanger shows you ALL downloads while the affilate page shows only valid downloads.

whats the maximum file size to download a file for free??
is that size will be counted in ppd

1GB and yes.

how much storeg limit for registerd free user ?

no limitation.

@uploaded.to support team. I sent a support request email a few days ago and pretty quickly got a reply, however it was a bit useless as no-one replied to my response.

I asked to cancel a payout request and received this in response:
however, where in the user panel can i cancel a payout?

Send me your account id via pm.

i Didnot Recieved My Payment Till Now it is ( Open ) Since 11-10-2012

When i Will Recieve It ??

My Id


Waiting You

Thanks in Advance

You'll get paid, just be patient please.
Dear Till,
I sent you 2 PM's please read both of them, sorry for disturbing you.

Please made the changes and big thanks in advance for help.

Regards. Ul the best!

Update: Till you are fantastic.

Ul best support ever: get a problem with purse and was solved in 5 minutes after PM Till.

GREAT filehost, working for two years and will work many more!!!
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dreamdb9 befor asking you can read TOS or this thread, every day and on every pages same questions, making thread very big and when youll try to find here something useful will be very dificult to find it between a lot of spam...

180 day files storage

Free download less than 1 Gb
dreamdb9 befor asking you can read TOS or this thread, every day and on every pages same questions, making thread very big and when youll try to find here something useful will be very dificult to find it between a lot of spam...

180 day files storage

Free download less than 1 Gb

Just to confirm;

180 days file storage for both free and prem user. 1 GB max filesize for free user downloads.
The filemanger shows you ALL downloads while the affilate page shows only valid downloads.

thanks for your reply, so from 14 downloads, I got like 13 from China? Hard to believe considering that I post on english forums. Do the numbers of valid downloads on affiliate page updated in real time? Or are they behind them numbers in file manager?

I guess there is no way to see countries that downloaded files?


180 days is great. 30 is too low.
thanks for your reply, so from 14 downloads, I got like 13 from China? Hard to believe considering that I post on english forums. Do the numbers of valid downloads on affiliate page updated in real time? Or are they behind them numbers in file manager?

I guess there is no way to see countries that downloaded files?


180 days is great. 30 is too low.


also the count don't update in real time, we cache the stats.
thanks for your reply, so from 14 downloads, I got like 13 from China? Hard to believe considering that I post on english forums. Do the numbers of valid downloads on affiliate page updated in real time? Or are they behind them numbers in file manager?

I guess there is no way to see countries that downloaded files?


180 days is great. 30 is too low.
You don't seems to understand how their PPD works, they pay one download per IP, so if that IP downloaded from someone else uploaded links that day, and then downloads from yours you get nothing.
You don't seems to understand how their PPD works, they pay one download per IP, so if that IP downloaded from someone else uploaded links that day, and then downloads from yours you get nothing.

I got it. So the more popular ul.to on forums the less revenue you get, great :facepalm:
is premium sales counted correctly?

am using uploaded and extabit, while i got 7 sales in extabit, i only got 1 in uploaded, even though i post uploaded links first.
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