Could someone reminds me who i need to PM to cancel a payment? (Till or Sinem?) thanks.
prata seria pouco já que esse host rouba nos downloads,tinha que ser ouro,esse filho da puta lucra muito com o brasil,a maioria dos sites de download trabalham com uploaded,e mesmo assim somos reduzidos a bronze!!!vai se fuder uploaded!!!
prata seria pouco já que esse host rouba nos downloads,tinha que ser ouro,esse filho da puta lucra muito com o brasil,a maioria dos sites de download trabalham com uploaded,e mesmo assim somos reduzidos a bronze!!!vai se fuder uploaded!!!
Are you seriously complaining that they would not let you store backups of pirated files? seriously you guys show no shame.Never thought DMCA will cause the backup files to be deleted as well. If this is the case, why provide "create backup" function? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Thanks.You have to message Till.
Could someone reminds me who i need to PM to cancel a payment? (Till or Sinem?) thanks.
Just contact me with your account id.
Send me his account id and i'll take a look into this.
We're working on the speed issues and try to fix them asap.
got my wire today. UL resolved this fast and professional - they are still my #1!
Are you seriously complaining that they would not let you store backups of pirated files? seriously you guys show no shame.
i just got 6 months not flame lol..maybe no one buying 6 months from your link that's all (poor Luck)Why dont support uploader?
I want everyone know. UL.TO count sale dont exactly!
They dont count sale 6month for me.
I send ticket they no answer? Why?)
hello, thanks for your answer. but I just asked my bank, they said in my country not use IBAN.account holder = your full name(Account holder name)
bank = Bank name
why are you guys so nazi about your third-world country?
hello, thanks for your answer. but I just asked my bank, they said in my country not use IBAN.
so how can I receive the money if there is no place to fill my account number??
please uploaded support answer me...
my bank has SWIFT code, but I just want to make sure that " Account Holder " is my name or should be my account number..yes some banks use iban number some swift code and some banks are use IFSC code.Its depend on your bank bro.If your bank not support Iban number so u dont able for recieved payment.
But u used wmz for your payoff and after use any exchanger wh send money on direct your bank or who send moey on paypal.