uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I'm pretty sure they do not store our files longer than 60 days. I uploaded couple of files some time ago, did not post them on any forums and yesterday I noticed they disappeared. Yeah, six months is for premium maybe but not for registered... This is just another lie their support is spreading on WJ.

Whats worse they are removing also files that were downloaded.
Are you crazy to write these info down in the main thread ?!! :O
Use PM god damn it !
Don't complain your account got hacked after that. :facepalm:
hi there,

my payment via bank wire was marked as done(abgeschlossen) last week tuesday or wednesday. However I still didnt receive my funds to my bank account. This used to be same-day/next day with my prior payouts, can you guys from ul please check that? I posted a PM to ul.to|sinem on friday, but still didnt get a response.

got my wire today. UL resolved this fast and professional - they are still my #1!
Never thought DMCA will cause the backup files to be deleted as well. If this is the case, why provide "create backup" function? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
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