+1whats wrong today?
stats are very low...
i crossed 1 lakh download's http://i.imgur.com/fKeaz.png in ul.to :-D
100,000 downloads and only 650 euros? if i was you i would forget about that group and focus on the gold ones.i crossed 1 lakh download's http://i.imgur.com/fKeaz.png in ul.to :-D
Valid download = Completed download from a paid country.which are valid downloads?
If that were true you wouldn't be uploading anymore, or maybe you're dumb.For me stats are frozen almost 2 month, but support says that everything ok.
Each day I have more than 1000 total downloads and only 20 is valid...![]()
ul.to showed paid,but I didnt received!!!!Whats wrong????
My account ID:5903617
I can receive WMZ from other file host
why ul.to cannt sent me through WME?????
please explain!!!!
Me too!!!!! ID: 3240687
Understand why?
I see lots of people here complaining that we shouldn't keep trying to convince Brazil must be in group A, telling that we are the new scam of the internet, but what we are complaining is not about it, but ul.to doesn't try to solve this kind of problem, like shared account selling or even the referall problem. I gave a sugestion, of course, it's just an idea, the admins should try to solve it.
Thanks :D
My account is HAKED -100€ at adolfo.co5@hotmail.com please deletle this pay PLEASE.. my user is claudioxxx1993 .. i change pass now
Not receive my payment today showed paid...please help!!!
Status paid ago 2 days. But this morning I login webmoney classic I dont see my money?
Please check my account!
Not receive my payment today showed paid...please help!!!
where is my 2012-09-07 payment and why you written paid Payment but i didnt Received any payment
and anyone can tell me how i can protect my files to be import to another account ?
and where you read that i earn if they import my files ? because i can't find any think about this
Whats the point of "activaiting direct download' in the file manager?
What does it mean exactly?And some days ago there was an option to make files
public,but it disappeared.
A short explanation would be very appreciated.
Its always that ? Because since 10 days no sales. Before that i have always some sales in one week.
explain better ? what you means with 60/40 ? and i can see which files have been imported ?
about hybrid traffic, i can't understand price ?
100 GB Hybrid-Traffic 5.00 € (6.99 CHF) 0.05 € (0.06 CHF)
500 GB Hybrid-Traffic 20.00 € (24.99 CHF) 0.04 € (0.05 CHF) 20% vgl. zu 100,00 GB
1 TB Hybrid-Traffic 35.00 € (42.99 CHF) 0.035 € (0.04 CHF) 30% vgl. zu 100,00 GB
and i can convert earn in hybrid traffic ? or i can convert point in it ?
thanks :DIf you add download password to the files , nobody can import your files, system blocks and not prevent to do.
but this gives you less sales (some amateurs can be stuck here), they prefer direct download without password.
every valid Premium initial order: 75% of the sale ( you give %75 of sale comes from file or 60% from file +%15 from website owners )