Yes, it is necessary
I also need to know from which place/forums make sales
and from which country too
Yes, it is necessary
I also need to know from which place/forums make sales
Bank transfer ...
Die eingegebene IBAN ist nicht valide ???
please help !!!
I requested my payment 2012-08-14 status is checked.... when the next payment ?
I saw that you paid another users that requested the same day... why I did't recive the payment yet?
Waiting my payment via WebMoney more then 2 weeks.I have been worked with many filehosts but such longterm payouts has only
You should check the status of your request, it nothing is wrong with it, then stop worring they will pay you, they always do, some times it takes 2 weeks, sometimes 4, but if you really need help, why don't you post your user ID so one of them can check manually?, i mean it would actually help, unlike just asking "when".Uploaded and my question ? today completed 20 days
Depositfiles, fileswap, freakshare, etc, etc several filehost hold the money for more than 2 weeks, due all the scammers, and credit card frauds, but people love to bitch instead of just wait and keep working, i mean if they don't want to pay you nothing you say or do would change their mind, and if you really no longer trusth them, then you should change filehost, instead of crying.netload holds your payouts for 31 days.
2012-08-17 100,00 € webmoney open
Waiting Payment
?If you haven't luck, ul will delete your account without a real reason.
If you haven't luck, ul will delete your account without a real reason.
Depositfiles, fileswap, freakshare, etc, etc several filehost hold the money for more than 2 weeks, due all the scammers, and credit card frauds, but people love to bitch instead of just wait and keep working, i mean if they don't want to pay you nothing you say or do would change their mind, and if you really no longer trusth them, then you should change filehost, instead of crying.
If you haven't luck, ul will delete your account without a real reason.
Don't worry sounds just like the typical butthurt user that uploadeded or did something against ToS, and blames the filehost for it, no filehost would ban for no reason a user that brings costumers, well some of them do when they get like 10,000 downloads and 0 premium sales(well but that didn't bring any customer...), hehe, but i find that justifiable even though it's not fair.
hey, wasnt bitching here, was just busting the myth that uploaded was the host that takes the longest time to cash out. I usually get my money from them.
this actually happened. there's 3 requests about people being uploaders with for a long time having had their accounts closed recently for uploading warez. YES I know uploading warez/movies/whatever is illegal, but lets be honest, probably about 80-90% on sharehosters is copyrighted material that wasnt legally uploaded.
They also sent me a mail last week asking me where I put my file links to, but at the same time they put my payout request on checked on that account. I decided to wait for now, since this mail smells too much like a "give us some link to a warez portal and we'll delete your account" to me, so I decided to not answer to that email for now, if they pay the money, thats good with me, if it stays on hold, I'll tell them why they couldnt find my uploads(doing homebrew firmware files for routers on that account that are being distributed on a tor hidden service community, because the device manufacturer doesnt like custom firmware images being distributed, even though they are built entirely from open source components)
I requested my payment 2012-08-14 status is checked.... when the next payment ?
I saw that you paid another users that requested the same day... why I did't recive the payment yet?