uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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where's answer for my question about additing option where user can CHOOSE version of filemanager! i have more them 100 folders and i can't access them! fu..!
is there any referral earning scheme??

for example,I refer 1 uploader & in fiuture I can get some% from his total earning.

looking for the answer
Is there any chance that this will soon change :

Example: If a premium user downloads one file from user xyz, then downloads your file, the download of your file will be counted but you won't receive any revenue for that, because user xyz received the amount already. This 'block' is active for 24 hours, the first file the premium user downloads after this time frame will generate revenue. It's the same procedure for Free- and Guest-Downloads. (Difference: IP-Check, whereas for Premiums the Account ID is checked).

Sorry, but I do not understand anyone who can upload under these conditions.
Search for me continue dont working in new FM
please fix.... i put name file correct = result There are no files located in this folder at the moment.
have max caractere in search ?
when downolad file it appears this message
Download Blocked (ip)
i'am Premium...!!!!

It means your account get to many unknown connections ( result from hacked or acc sharing ) could you tell me your account id so i can take a look for it.

what about my question Till? do you still pay via webmoney?


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ul.to | Till

do you plan to keep point counting only with sales? I remember we could get points by number of downloads too


Currently we don't plan any changes on this.
Can USA users now purchase premiums ?

Also the search is not really working well within the file manager, it does not find my files when i enter the search query.
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