uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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? You are stupid, like I see... Uploaded have own rules, yes? They say: we pay You in 30 days maximum, yes? So now, They breaking own rules, so I have to be mad and worried! Dont say me what I can do. Webmoney? It is shit. Another host? No, why? Here is the best money. So please dont speak again about BANK TRANSFER, becouse You dont know nothing, ok?
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? You are stupid, like I see... Uploaded have own rules, yes? They say: we pay You in 30 days maximum, yes? So now, They breaking own rules, so I have to be mad and worried! Dont say me what I can do. Webmoney? It is shit. Another host? No, why? Here is the best money. So please dont speak again about BANK TRANSFER, becouse You dont know nothing, ok?

Dont get so angry mate, there is no official agreemant between uploaders and filehosts they can stop pay anytime. It happens all the time (Filesonic, Fileserve, Oron,....) Some give us explanation others not.
? You are stupid, like I see... Uploaded have own rules, yes? They say: we pay You in 30 days maximum, yes? So now, They breaking own rules, so I have to be mad and worried! Dont say me what I can do. Webmoney? It is shit. Another host? No, why? Here is the best money. So please dont speak again about BANK TRANSFER, becouse You dont know nothing, ok?

Stupid it's you. WM is much better than Bank transfer. There are many services that are changing WM to Bank with a minimum commission.

You dont know nothing

Believe me, I know much more than most of people ;)
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plank could you tell me an reliable money exchanger from webmoney to paypal?

There is no reliable exchanger WM to PP because PP blocking exchangers and sooner or later you could be blocked by PP. Don't forget that WM are from Russia and PP from US. So for your security better don't use PP for anything. I've lost with that transfer almost 1k euro - I've got blocked account and exchanger too.
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Tried to pay my premium account via VISA today, and didn't notice the expiry date box on the last page until I hit NEXT or PAY or whatever (This was already filled in (the wrong date)).... So, now that I want to correct it, I can't pay via VISA cos it now says that this payment method is now unavailable to me :facepalm:
I can't complete any of the other methods, so this is the only way - Or via coupon ??

Does anyone know of any resellers that sell coupons for uploaded.net ??
Stupid it's you. WM is much better than Bank transfer. There are many services that are changing WM to Bank with a minimum commission.

You dont know nothing

Believe me, I know much more than most of people ;)

plank dont insult other people russian man btw i hope they will not pay you any cent maybe in those days you feel some respect kid

and one more thing paypal blocking accounts people who use exchangers i know that its true
Stupid it's you. WM is much better than Bank transfer. There are many services that are changing WM to Bank with a minimum commission.

You dont know nothing

Believe me, I know much more than most of people ;)

But the exchange also want money for the service. With Bantransfer i have my money on my Bank and not have to use some Russian or other crazy exchanger !!! Of course i can send my money from WME to exchanger and and and but allways i will loose some Euro.
Uploaded have TOS and there is written in 30 working days but now they not pay in 30 working days and this is shit.
Use your WME like you want but plesase dont say other people what they have to do. When for them Banktransfer is better then please acccept this, we also not say for you that you have to use Banktransfer when they start not pay WME also !!!
Late payments
large Deleting of files
PPS and PPD: less and less
Recently Many accounts banned
it does'nt feel good

Sorry if my english is'nt well
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