uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Bank transfer is only for those with International Bank Account Number (IBAN). Fees are those taken by the bank and will vary with each withdrawal.
What is going on with uploaded...

They said thay paid me on my bank account last tuesday... But i still didnt recive my payment on my bank account.

Is there some problem, and does someone else have similar problem?

I have the same problem.
It already happened to me in January. At the time, I sent a message to Till and he told me there was an issue with the initial payment and resent it.

Now, the same problem is happening again. I sent him a message about it yesterday and I'm still waiting for him to answer.
this month also started with bad no sales till now this month
i dono wats the hell is happening with sales
very terrible days
getting gud advertised acccounts but no sale
@cricket1989: Only because the sales are OK in your account doesn't mean that there aren't any problems! You have seen the postings here and I have seen so many other postings in other boards, so it is obviously that there are problems! Don't close your eyes only because everything is OK in YOUR account! Thx.
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Waited 13 days for a sale till today; Previous month sales every 1-3 days;
Don't believe it's a coincidence;

Plus those folders non showing files...
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someone know how much files stay online from last download ?
and how i can see ( view or remove ) the files that i saved in Backup-space ?
and how I can remote from rapidshare to uploaded?
This is really shit . I have 1 TB Files on uploaded and many downloads but my earnings 0.20 Euro :( i do not undertsand how other people here have 7-8-9-10 Euro only for download .... And the sales also maybe 1 -2 per week but nothing more.
@Till when will you payout ? 2013-03-06 xxx webmoney checked .....


can't you read 30 business days...
My is checked at 2013-03-10 and hoping to be paid in 2013-04-10 or 11
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