yesIf an uploader gets a 1 year sale which costs 69.99 euro, will he earn 75%x69.99=52.49 euro?
yesOr is it a mixed PPS+PPD plan?
Guys, one question since i never use before.
If an uploader gets a 1 year sale which costs 69.99 euro, will he earn 75%x69.99=52.49 euro?
I am asking because 75% for sales and 65% for rebills seems really good.
Or is it a mixed PPS+PPD plan?
I am interested only in PPS. Can someone explain to me about the affiliate plans?
If an uploader can answer to my questions, please send me PM if you want.
Yes, it's in real time.Do you see sales in real time?i mean if you get a sale now, will u see it the same time?
Yes, it's in real time.
Nop, their stats page suck, all they show is number of downloads.Can we also see where the sale come from? (site, file, country)?
Yes, but there is no discount like in other filehost, but still you get 1 free month of premium every 10 sales, so if you are interested in PPS you will be always premium.Can we use earnings to extend for premium account?
Any person to answer I to import someone else's file to their own account ,and also statistical Download revenue?
lloll, just saw you crying one days beforeThanks for payment.
Request 30-Oct