uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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EEEEEEEHM, hello uploaded?? What is this scam... yesterday i got 1 sale premium, (Day 4 August) and now disappear? What is that.

Image in spoiler..


This month i got 13,32€ but in balance 9,37€? WHAT

Please fix it or say something....
The owner of uploaded.net does not value the work of the uploaders, he makes the payments in weeks, when the uploaders go to share-online that gace the payments in the same day then he wondered why, If you knew the work that costs us pay daily as they do, openload, streamango, share-online
They REMOVED 59,99 € sale from my account today. after i request for payout
now this is my balance right now


and this is not the first time, this month they did this 3 times
Because I need help from people from my country, I will ask question on my language. Thanks for understanding.

Pozdrav svima, da li ima neko iz Srbije ko koristi UL i naplacuje novac preko B4C vaucera? Zanima me koje opcije imamo kasnije za naplatu novca sa B4C-a?

Dalja komunikacija moze preko privatne poruke.

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