can someone pls answer me this:
why the folder contents arent displayed in alphabetical order?
cmon pls tell me. asking now 3rd time 4 this...
will this be fixed any time?
I know that they don't count for every country but the most of traffic came from US,CA,UK becuse I use a mirror and I can see the source of traffic with the other host, so they cheat clearly it"s not about contry it"s about cheating !!they not counting every country same as deposit files dont count every country ppd is pointless and with 50 dollers minimum payout you would need alot
Dream!Brasil In Gold,Please!!!
Dream!²since canceled vendors who share premium account, Brazil should return at least Silver !
It's the 50kb/s - 60kb/s going to stay? or just a temporary change?
what is the download file size limit for free users ????