uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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then why you come back here? lol. my account is fine

I have no problem with you bro. It was for MrPerfect (a.k.a the big spammer).

Again & Again whenever i come here i see every new day something very useless talks about me i have no idea about that why i m spammer?

Did i took your money away from you ? who took away from you me or uploaded? you guys messaging here why you are not messaging to uploaded staff? u left or not left who cares?
I said to all leave if you dont like them dont complain its your own choice they are paying still if they are not paying to u so its means they dont care about you, if they dont care about you so leave them move on for another big thing dont try to add me in this topic dont say i m spammer or any shit things i said every thing for all of you if you like u can take advice if u dont like thn leave it, thing is that some users dont have command to talk to admins of filehosts some have no ability to talk like a genuine professional uploaders thats why they target me .
Do whatever you want to do guys i dont care i care for those who help themself first be good be honest & be humble dont jealous abiut my success dont come here for spot light. i have ability to talk with staff of filehosts and they understand me and my friends because we lead by example so dont compare me with anyone best part of me is i dont care about money i care about respect i care about business and yes i m a business man thats what i show to them . now its up to u love me or hate i will take both .
Its not a good attitude from uploaded, they will loose all the trust they add in the passed...

They have already from europe they dont need u work or leave thats true accept reality. they have deals with big sites dont w aste your time with useless uploaders comments they can just uploads does not matter they are old uploaders or new they are brainless and senseless just hardworker not a smart workers if you are good or others are good use your brain uploaded not gonna come here to check your replies :) i know them i know what best but some time i also feel i m nothing hope u understand thanks
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Bit4Coin available! :D

Added after 1:

They owe me about 500EUR from held payment requests in my suspended accounts.

Do you think they're still going to pay?

you should always request money as soon as reach the minimum payout. i am not sure if you made this money before they send you previous quested money

Yes, this is what I always do, with all affiliate programs.
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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]I took it all! [/FONT]:hrhr:

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Serious, though, better luck tomorrow. I got it the second day after I reached the minimum for payout.[/FONT]

Do not lie, btc was not available, i tried 3 times today with 1.5 hours interval and nothing
Since bank transfer is not available for my country, Bit4Coin is available all the time.

Guys why MrPerfect has been unbanned? He is doing the same again writing life stories about how we are wasting our time with uploaded...

To our big spammer. You don't take our money away but YOU write useless posts in this thread. We all let you know that we don't want your advices but you are still doing the same.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Since bank transfer is not available for my country, Bit4Coin is available all the time.[/FONT]

So BTC is available only for you and starletfan, and the rest of users get the message not available :)
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]I took it all! [/FONT]:hrhr:

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Serious, though, better luck tomorrow. I got it the second day after I reached the minimum for payout.[/FONT]

Do not lie, btc was not available, i tried 3 times today with 1.5 hours interval and nothing

requested btc on 22.05 and completed on 23.05 fasted payout ever
i have sent 100€ bit4coin before 15.05.2017 and still not got money and status show " HOLD " whats mean HOLD ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

they want you show where you post link , reply their mail with some forum you post link , it;s ok

Really ? why they want to know wtf really uploaded allow posting on any forum etc but well very strange :/

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

If i would like payout bitcoin, how much the fee?

Now 67.64 €

if u want bitcoin then there have no fee :) you can pay now 50€ bitcoin and ur rest 17.64€ on ur account

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Added after 4 Hours 46 minutes:

i have sent 100€ bit4coin before 15.05.2017 and still not got money and status show " HOLD " whats mean HOLD ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

they want you show where you post link , reply their mail with some forum you post link , it;s ok

Hej i got today 50€ x 2 = 100€ yuhu thanks uploaded.net

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Yuhu i got 2 x 50€ = 100€ thank you uploaded.net <3

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Yuhu i got 2 x 50€ = 100€ thank you uploaded.net

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Added after 1:

Yuhu i got 2 x 50€ = 100€ thank you uploaded <3

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Yuhu i got 2 x 50€ = 100€ thank you uploaded

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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