Since 23.06 status paid and after 8 business days (almost two weeks) still no money on my bank account. WTF?? Is anyone has the same?
No, got paid within a week to bank like always.
Expect up to 30 days for new affiliates.
When the payout you're talking about was marked as paid on uploaded affiliate page?
Mine read paid status since 23.06 (Tue).
Btw I'm not really a new affiliate, I started back working with since little more than a year now,
and used to work a lot with them already years ago.
I already got 6 successful bank transfers, all took quite long but always around 6-7-8 days.
(not justifiable with the processing bank fault, a Switzerland->Italy bank transfer do not take more than 7days, ever). And I always used to request a payout for a fairly good amount,
I'm not the kind of guy that request payout as soon as account have 100.01$ on it and meet the min payout. (well, unless I feel the host is about to close doors of course lol).
Actually this is the smallest payout I requested until now,
what boggles me is that is the first on my new bank account,
so I initially thought it was a problem with my new IBAN or something at my side,
but clearly is not the case seeing other guys here with the same delay.
Tried to send a transfer of same amount today from a friend's account to my new one
and I received it in 6hours, so it's not a problem with my new account.
Thanks for sharing your experience and for the help everybody,
and sorry for my rusty English