Heh i really need to check wj more often, i could have saved me hours of uploading by noticing you turned off converting

Unfortunately, divx streaming is in very low demand - so low that it is hardly worth bothering for most people. I know converting is very expensive, but do bear in mind getting stuck in peoples minds as divx hoster could come even worse.
When the converting is reactivated, will we be able to convert the files already uploaded? I know that probably not, but would be nice to know before i start cleaning up after myself
Btw, in this case, size does not really matter. Late x264 codecs are in fact so superior, that the size loss (30-40% as opposed to avi source, 4-5 MB/Min in 480p) comes without any considerable quality loss. Thats why most of the scene switched to x264.
However, them conversion methods are so sophisticated, that converting x264 with x264 might result in bigger filesize best case scenario, or even damage or picture distortion. Kind of the same way as archiving jpegs in zip/rar files.
Please do let us know when you resume converting.
Oh and i noticed some new ads resembling some sort of a shop - is that the mythical marketplace? Does it mean the ppv is close?
And did the banner ad from the video itself dissapear?