Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

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Can anyone be KIND enough in this forum to answer me ?
I want to join Uploadable.ch Affiliate Program.
How do I do that ?
Thanks in advance.

I don't know how it is now, but about 3 months ago if you have USA IP, you don't see the option for affiliate program.
So change your IP to a different country and try.
I decided to not work with uploadable because of Jo's condescending attitude towards affiliates, and uploadable really doesn't seem
trustworthy in terms of keeping accurate stats and sales.

Their stats is accurate, but they do some tricks to suppress stats.
At least they do not cheat or scam affiliates.
Jo, hello i'm having trouble with prouching prem statur with account money, i try two times and bouth times after pressing "redeem" it's send me on redeem page with popup "worng code" and didn't took money from balance nor gived code.
cogdl: You're confusing. You've never been Premium and you have 360GB of space left to upload on. Have you recently deleted files?

gibalah: They much rather prefer to earn 0.1 cent with U or 0 with R. :)) Additionally giving 30-50 Kb/s to users seems suitable. Fine by us.

mikannko: PM me your username so I can take a look at it. Are you double-tapping? Have you tried another browser?
Issues regarding exceeding storage limit (especially when trying to copy files) and exceeding FTP upload limit (no clue what that means) have reared their ugly heads yet again. Right now I've quite a long list of 'failed uploads' in the control panel.

Jo, do inform the technical staff about these problems and hopefully they can be resolved soon. Cheers.
Fig: We don't offer 50/50 at the moment.

Wynter: First page explains it ;) Need your username and we will look into it. This isn't a general issue.

cogdl: Depends where you remote from. Sometimes we see spikes in fails - Generally caused by users not typing in the right information or their settings are not set correctly for the host they're remote uploading from. PM me the details of:
1. Where you're remote uploading from
2. Username//Pwd of the host you're uploading from (optional)
So i have decided to test Uploadable and start working with you guys....but after couple of hours of using your host i can see that you are just another host with same shaving habits ass all others (that you like to diss here and talk bad about them....even if you do the same things as they do).
I have upload 2 files and posted on just ONE forum where nobody have Uploadable premium account. And this is what i get:

From 71 downloads you have count only 17!....and let me say again, this is forum where nobody have Uploadable premium account, and there is no other Uploadbale links (that is why i have choose this forum to test Uploadable) - so every single download come from free users and if it's true what you say about counting downloads then all 71 download should be counted!.....But as we can see, they are NOT!
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