Thank you very much for re-open my account, Uploadable-Jo!WDMania: Your sign-up IP was Leaseweb (and we all know what they're used for). Your claimed "dynamic" IP was used over 9 days - That spells static for us. I've unbanned your username, but your IPs will remain banned.
You 100% sure ppd counting properly ? Because, that;s weird. Every new day - worth then before. Other hosting doing the same, only uploadable decrease.
since a week i'm testing in 5 of 25 forums ..
but sometimes seems download count frozen (at the moment)
also i have more counted downloads in filesmanager as in earning statistics.
and files deletions after 1 month is too fast(!) i was very happy for upgrading my account.
maybe with this "test" can be more in to the future.
One month is 30 days and thats what every single filehost offers for free users when it comes down to deleting files that havent been downloaded.
I dont know for how long you have been in this business but you should know sometimes its not a filehost's fault, there may be several reasons for a drop in your downloads (or sales). Bad day or other filehosts chosen by your users included (why they do that - nobody knows..)
One month is 30 days and thats what every single filehost offers for free users when it comes down to deleting files that havent been downloaded.
but much of main hosts have 30 days after last download .. and for premium never deletion
also some other hosts works with faster one time statistics ..
nevertheless i hope the best for this filehost
let us check next week ...
I dont know for how long you have been in this business but you should know sometimes its not a filehost's fault, there may be several reasons for a drop in your downloads (or sales). Bad day or other filehosts chosen by your users included (why they do that - nobody knows..)
Maybe... two month ?)
Yeah... i understand this. And blame site for low ppd simple stupid, oh well. I just found it's weird that only uploadable rates gone down.
but much of main hosts have 30 days after last download .. and for premium never deletion
also some other hosts works with faster one time statistics ..
nevertheless i hope the best for this filehost
let us check next week ...
Well mate, this is exactly how it works here30 days after last download not after date you uploaded a file...This is why I said Uploadable works like every other filehost
HubaBuba: Records for all PPS users are all over the place. We would need to verify if you actually did get 3 sales. Username required. We do not have an estimate when all PPS + PPS Recurring + Site Sales is fixed, yet, so we suggest everyone to switch to PPD.
You serious?
The counting system works well, I see everything but it disappears after 24h! Any premium sale account over 1 day is deleted after exactly 24 hours! Three days ago two sales, yesterday one sale and still only 1 day sales over the holidays (x-mas last day which don't delete sales).
100% for Uploadable and 0% for Uploaders, that never went well!
Nice! Now only missing "we will bring the counting system back but not the counted sales"Update, HubaBuba & other people on PPS and/or have domains: We expect next Monday or Tuesday that everything will be restored back to normal.