Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

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This is the time when uploading is not possible :(

Jo please see my post time and fix this issue , daily on this time uploading not work, stuck again and again.
ubs: PM?

Forrape: What are you talking about? We count free downloads with a wait
time of 20 minutes in between files. Stop spreading inaccurate info.

anurr: If he told you to jump of a building, you'd be doing that right now.

Peter: Message me your correct info and we will get it changed after a
few security questions.

sometimes: It's crazy to think that we haven't done anyting and yet we
are to blame?

azael: OK :) Good luck.
anurr: If he told you to jump of a building, you'd be doing that right now.

Teehee... be that as it may, I've now tried you (hmm... trice, I think, or more) and every time I have seemingly everything downloaded, but only 1-2 files counted as earnings.

Question: do people really fail, say 4 downloads out of 6 (multi-part file), whilst successfully finish 2 and just leave the matters be? (Your claim.) No. I'd rather there are two possible results...

a) (being the one in connection to with I commented above) they indeed didn't fail, downloaded everything, but you do not count everything,

b) or, and we've been going through this in annoying detail already... all were just debrid downloads to begin with which you count sporadically at best and not at all at worst.

Seriously, I don't comment here just to fuck with people (as one particular other admin would like to believe), I just want people to be truthful. I've suggested multiple times to look into this, but
I suppose it's indeed how Peter has it noted on his site: "Premium Link Generators/Debrid Sites Proactively Banned?" "No."

Most people here may deal with ignorant downloaders (to put it mildly), but that doesn't mean a hoster has to cater to the lowest common denominator. Nor indeed, that every downloader has an IQ
of a bar stool.

But hey, keep making silly comments.
They have not answered my question, I write for here, for your website and private.
ignore my message
as you may become alguin found entered in my account and change the information without my permission.
i can't upload file to my account .

i can't upload files to my account .
please reopen upload files for me .
My account : voztom

thank you .!
anurr: If you load your file on a Premium without downloading it, it*
will count as +1 to your files. This means if someone loads a link on a*
debrid site without downloading, it will count.

To answer your question and without relying on Peter's inaccurate*
information, there are Debrid sites out there who operate with accounts*
on our service. We are always vigilant to this, so if you have*
information or account login for us to test with, we will happily ban*
and cease their operations.

The question you would need to ask yourself. Who has the best PPD*
affiliate right now? I'd like to state the obvious, but it is*
"subjective" to people's opinion about a service and their experience*
with it.

But hey, keep making replies.

Mrpiano - reply to my pm, can't help you without your username.
Do not ignore PM and my opinion!

Originally Posted by Uploadable-Jo
edward: We have never setup FF. This is confirmed from techs. Please
pass your L/P on in a PM and we will have it setup by next Wednesday.

RE RG, some of their servers will block us from downloading, hence you
have some success-rate between 40-65%. We can implement a retry button

”We have never setup FF
Yes, You do not have to set up.
Because FileFactory have Traffic Share that can do remote without user name and passward.
It is same as hotlink.
But, New Remote System need to type User/Pass, thats why happen error.
Before from FileFacory was 100% success to do remote.
You just remove section User Name / Passward of FileFactory.
That's it.
You do not have to do special things.
ayaka - You must have not used your brain yesterday, if you read the information on the file manager page it tells you what the figures represent. Furthermore this has been discussed many times in this thread previously. File manager shows all downloads, whether this is failed, started, stopped or successful. What you get on the statistics page is the completed downloads figure for all downloads which finished.

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