No sales premium in 45 days
use PPD only with this host !
No sales premium in 45 days
@ Jo
yesterday earnings not added
overall earnings summary or reports or detailed stats correct
but in dashboard... account payable... earnings not added
something wrong
pls check and reply
download count look has error
in file mamager , download count show , total is 155
but in stats , only has 73
can you help me check
thank you
thank's your answerjesus christ, learn to read. There's the sentence with an asterix saying that "Downloads include attempts, etc...". That way you have more in downloads, but less in stats. Their way of tricking people.
alex641 - anurr's answer is correct. The stats are fine.
Added after 4 minutes:
If you have sent a PM, I am replying to them now.
Added after 4 minutes:
g14 - It's been corrected.
Added after 2 minutes:
keito - Statistically it's been the strongest weekend to date. So I can't really see what isn't fair.
admgamer - Basically there is nothing I can do. If you click the button twice then that is not our fault. The system isn't designed to work in a way to return earnings if users make mistakes.