Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

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Gosh, start thinking and you will get why you had deducted $ and why you have ballance on minus.
They simply stopped aff at 10th Nov, but the zenopy continued counting downloads for few days more, so they removed earned $ after 10th Nov.

Good job on getting new gateway :)
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Gosh, start thinking and you will get why you had deducted $ and why you have ballance on minus.
They simply stopped aff at 10th Nov, but the zenopy continued counting downloads for few days more, so they removed earned $ after 10th Nov.

Good job on getting new gateway :)
I am at PPS, so how can they remove the money, which was earned by selling premium accounts ~3 weeks ago ?
ANNOUNCEMENT: Our servers somehow kept continuing the count after the 11th (when we announced the temporary stoppage) and therefore we had to reverse this. Everyone who requested would be in negative balance. We will reset it soon. This was a technical error.

No payouts will be done until we continue as normal.

dedovedde & MarilynManson: Current balance will CONTINUE when we get up again. If you had $15, it will continue from where it started.

kemalettin67: Do you remember to leave our thread? Your ass is hurting.

nesmagu: What's your actual problem? You got plenty of sales with us, we have paid you in full.

How we can remove money? By chargebacks issued by the bank. Did you know per chargeback it can range from 10-50 USD? Guess who pays for that.

Silkystar: So somehow we "mess" with your remote upload so you can stop using us? Logic 101 has never made any more sense. Kindly put on a tinfoil hat and read some more conspiracy theories.

juanpaal & jose80: We are coming back shortly which means you can upgrade at own will. We will extend your premiums shortly.

Ethi: You got it right ;-)
Silkystar: So somehow we "mess" with your remote upload so you can stop using us? Logic 101 has never made any more sense. Kindly put on a tinfoil hat and read some more conspiracy theories.

Come On Jo Made some sense , all are uploading same links which i do , only i need to read conspiracy lol you must read my both accounts got remote upload problem only mine lol, leave all the things can you paid me my 19$ and my 1st one acc 10$ just tell me clear bro yes or no?
Silkystar: Sometimes remote upload works, sometimes it won't.

It's individual machines working on their own, not us pressing buttons to cancel your upload. If you had spent 10 dollars on an RDP you wouldn't be in here releasing garbage to my ears.

If you have made $19, you're not eligible for a $20 payout. Come back and make your $1 and we will payout when we continue the program. We won't "transfer" your $10 to the other account. Make your minimum there too. Thanks.

doremon-j: We never subtracted money, because the money was NOT supposed to be counted in the first place. Read the news that was published.
Uplaodable-Jo, not you did not paid me in full. I got 27$ holding balance, which is gone. This money was received before gateway shutdowned and I am at PPS. So your exlplanation about "continued counting stats" is not a good lie here.
After posting here about "stolen balance" my account was credited with money. This is a good step forward from Uploadable, I hope once they continue this business the money will be paid as well.. Thank you.
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Silkystar: Sometimes remote upload works, sometimes it won't.

Bro I wanna work with You but please can you tell me what to do not working can you check my Account Please my username is : Soomro

If i will be able to Upload my Files surely i will earn more than $1 thats why i am saying.
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I have request 100+$ after 10 Nov and understandably I didn't get paid (that requested 100+$ was in pending) . Then the payable amount turned into -99$, Now they fixed the negative payable amount but the requested 100+$ has gone missing (not in pending and not in payable amount and not in holding amount). What is happening here Jo?
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