No problem and sorry for my fault,Many thanks for fast payment and response
hi Why is my account suspended. I did not do anything wrong. I never cheat. I never post copyrighted images. Infact i had only posted 8-10 images.
My images get so many hits because i post to over 125 forums. I never post to anyplace else except forums.
I do not post to any social networking sites or any blogs or any personal sites.
my id is pcunit
if you want i can produce the proof where i have posted.
hi Why is my account suspended. I did not do anything wrong. I never cheat. I never post copyrighted images. Infact i had only posted 8-10 images.
My images get so many hits because i post to over 125 forums. I never post to anyplace else except forums.
I do not post to any social networking sites or any blogs or any personal sites.
my id is pcunit
if you want i can produce the proof where i have posted.
Im sorry albertadel, i didn't see good, i looked batter at your traffic now, we allow your forums, keep upload, you will get your payment soon.
whats the matter man you sent me payment one time and now u say that u cant send me payments? huh?
i am not any resident of turkey