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Is there details view staistics

why im getting 4 views but no earning

Added after 4 Hours 10 minutes:

is there any way to see the detailed view of my image views

Added after 1:

Is there details view statistics for the image views
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Your payment is approved right now you requested it yesterday so you will get it in next few days.
All payments requested the day before yesterday are complated.

I checked statistic and it's working great, bring more traffic and it will count definitely don't worry.

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Please read thread,
Waiting time is 7 days, you requested payment yesterday, so your payment will be in next 6 days,
Maybe 2, maybe 3, maybe 4 or maybe 6 days.

As you can see i suspended your account, and rejected your payment, because we don't allow blogspot traffic and your traffic coming from blogspots, read rules before uploading, now you can try with some other host who allow blogspot traffic.
Cheers. :)
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