Hi,what bout paypal you havent said bout that when will paypal be paid can you give me date is it weekly or monthly
can you give 1mbps for free and 2mbps for registerd reason i say that cause hugefiles gives 3mbps for free and being your a free site
i cant understand why you saleing premium accounts what is your plans cause your site is confuseing if people sees a free site
they gonna wonder why you saleing premium accounts and you have no download volume limited
Hi,Hi @mervin, excuse me, I required a payment for payapal at [FONT=gotham_lightregular]2013-12-19[/FONT], how when you pay me?
Hi,Sorry 5 !! Popups before you can download a file ...... is TO much !
Hi,Since I like to work with Unlimit Zone, I did a simple test to check out its download and money counter systems, how can it happen while Unlimit Zone pays at least $1 for 1000 downloads?!
$0.021/30=0.0007 which means that I will earn $0.7 for 1000 downloads while $0.7<$1
I'm getting an access denied when I use FTP (WinSCP).
username: varunchopra
Also, do you plan on adding torrent leeching/downloading from more popular filesharing sites?
How many full downloads account for 2 or more IP
If my download traffic passes through its website so that your advertising is see how many would count the same two or some more
Hi,i hope u dont get a problem like anafile :/ just got register..
waiting for my first payment
Since I like to work with Unlimit Zone, I did a simple test to check out its download and money counter systems, how can it happen while Unlimit Zone pays at least $1 for 1000 downloads?!
$0.021/30=0.0007 which means that I will earn $0.7 for 1000 downloads while $0.7<$1