Selling Unique Script for posting resume to 150 job sites

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Active Member
I give full resale rights on this script which will be in high demand as Job market is having huge earning potential. Normally this type of script won't be available to buy, and it is difficult to develop.

Will be selling 10 copies ONLY ... First customer gets it at $300 ... The others at $400 ... There will be 5 fays money holdup bkoz sme guys have tried to scam me before for $2500

I would have loved to start my own business using this script but unfortunately, i dont have enough time to spend to create my own website etc ... Moreover, i give 5 days money back guarantee ... N payments only by paypal or liberty reserve.

NOTE : If you buy the script and try to scam by charging back, i will immediately suspend your license.

NOTE : I have no demo as i am totally broke. Thats another reason why i am selling script.... To get some bucks :( i dont even have $5 :( i have only pc + internet connection and this script :(

1 copy sold 30/03/2011
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I got the idea of making this script when i looked at that post from DP .... But mine is more powerful ...
Well basically you fill a form with all your details , and it will submit your form to 150 job sites. You can modify the script and use it on your website and make a business out of it. For example , $25 per person for submitting resume to 150 websites
You need to provide some sort of proof or demonstration of at least SOMETHING before you even begin to think that WJunction members would even spend that much on a script.

I've been here long enough to know people here only go for $10-$20 scripts, higher than that, they complain, moan, etc about the price.

I would buy the script but I'm in no need of a job at the moment, so all I can say is good luck to you and hope you can find some way to show these guys the legitimacy of your script.

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