UndergroundPrivate.com-OpenVZ, KVM, Unmetred Band, DDos Protected,Private 12$ (FR,RU)

Im using dedicated server from UndergroundPV from a month now and I'm very happy with them :sun:,- excellent, fast support and absolutely no downtme supported by good prices, what more could you want ! :handshake:
Switched over from VPS from UndergroundPrivate to a dedicated server because I had too much traffic and was getting ddosed, they switched everything over quickly and it runs really smooth. Dedicated did have a problem with the FTP and no one knew how to solve it, after they worked hard for a week they managed to figure it out and it's all perfect now! thanks!
Hello Siwek ,

This is a message to you and anyone else that this is not support tickets here or you will get a reply for the situation here , also you wont get a respond in the 10 minutes after you contacted us , we wont leave all else in a big traffic support like yesterday.

After we contacted you to add us on Skype very fast , you did it after +8 hours even if you read the message and said now will add you , it seems you so much care for your service but want an reply in the 10 minutes you contact and not care for anyone else but you can left anyone else +8 hours to wait.

For the story your service has been set unavailable due abuse ( breaking the terms of service ) and due the case you know , your service set to online since we saw you have some issues and thought you will contact us the next minutes. We still waiting you to contact us after so much hours and we have much patience , but note the patience will come to the end soon , now you would be probably out of any provider but it is just a good example to the public how much patience we do have.

This conversation wont be continued with here through this topic and next time be more careful what you write and better write the full story and not just the things fits you.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email sales.undergroundprivate.com@clientlogin.sx or bitmessage BM-2cTHvxQk65NRx2XKVLbUfGzsZCoaQLXdWR or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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I have 3 VPS(2 french and 1 russian) with them and had zero downtimes!
Very nice support :)

btw do you have a special deal on russia dedicated server with 1gbps port going on?
i am very interested :D
they are awesome ; no downtimes, no server lags, and they provide great support (email, ticket and skype which is the fastest , solved max of my probs in instant ) ..Been with them for few months now and am loving it . They are really the best & perfect
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Dear clients and customers ,

This is apublic notification regarding a censorship / shut of freedom of speech that some individuals wanted to make on UndergroundPrivate and its clients.

Before some days we have noted weird actions by some individuals persons , today we have received a big attack for some minutes on our network which has been successfully being blocked , we want public to notify the people / (or better a person :) ) which is behind this story that is well know and legal actions is being processed by today for this dirty attack and such a methods.

Any attack or any bad purpose on UndergroundPrivate and its clients is going to be strongly answered to anyone , methods like this to censorship or shut the freedom of speech is not going to be passed from anyone is willing to , nor the agencies and nor of some "wannabe" hosting owners.

We will keep to provide the most quality services (Shared / RDP / VPS / Dedicated) with 100% uptime and with high confidence / privacy to all people and people needs help and always the best support ever. No marketing tricks , no hidden fees.

UndergroundPrivate is everywhere and will be everywhere on the world , from United Stats to Middle East , Europe and Africa and the most rare places on the world.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email sales.undergroundprivate.com@clientlogin.sx or bitmessage BM-2cTHvxQk65NRx2XKVLbUfGzsZCoaQLXdWR or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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