Dear clients and customers ,
Since summer that passed everyone from you experienced a hard time with crazy cPanel licensing , although we did complain officially for the prices but we never got any reply from anyone of officials regarding this and many of you had a hard time with the non fair cPanel pricing till today , we was all the time with every single of you and helped a many number of our clients.
We are here as always the first and the best to give you the opportunity to all
, we are doing this first in the whole planet , we bring old pricing of cPanel and unlimited with the highest priority support for you all by us , now the prices for cPanel will be :
cPanel license unlimited VPS servers : 15$ per month
cPanel license unlimited DEDICATED servers : 25$ per month
Many of you you seeking along with our services litespeed , we will provide now litespeed to all the premium one with 8 cores and support by us only 20$ per month.
There is no hidden fees or marketing tricks , we never followed this as many hosting providers does , our following line is the freedom of speech and the opportunity everyone enjoy quality hosting services in the cheapest price.
There is high confidence and privacy between us and our clients , thank you everyone for supporting us and choosing us all those years , there is multiple groups and inidivuals would like to see us down from their attacks but always we try and do it to repel the attack.
We do provide offshore managed DMCA ignored hosting services VPS and dedicated servers , there is no fees for the support we provide you and we are doing it to provide you the best quality and highest services to all of you.
If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.
Thank you ,