UndergroundPrivate.com-cPanel,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

Is this good hosting for warez type of sites? I'm asking because I noticed that you had some problems...

Hello, thanks for contacting us. On our servers you will be safe & yes you can upload that you asking. We have hundred of clients on our servers, we provide our best support & quality.

About the topic problems you wrote, our servers got attacked from different places but unfortunately they cant do us anything. We everytime when a problems appears try to solve it in the best minimum time and we do it, not like just some others who gets hide and answer after days. People know well why they choose us and we are glad for this.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com team
don't know about attacker, but I made a huge mistake definitely. is there any chance to get database backup? site is still down.

Hello, thank you for contacting us. Please in order to assist you provide us your domain name via private message. You made a huge mistake that we got attacked via DDos? What you are writing exactly.

Also a notification, we know already who the "kid" is and it is making the DDos attacks on the Russia server, we have been informed all the people from the last attack and yes it was the same one and made a mistake.

Lets see now how this story end , thank you all.
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I've Placed an order Got instantly activated. almost all time live support via Skype so I requested for site transfer from previous host, Was done in a 2min. So far excellent support and service. I would like to say once more now I have extremely host. because their support and technical assistance very friendly.

I am happy, Worth it
UndergroundPrivate.com Rocks!!!

I really like their live support, respect towards their client and their dedication towards their work.

They are the one who made me believe that there are people whose work reflects their word.

Thank you UndergroundPrivate.com
Hello to everybody here who is is watching our WJ topic. We are going to write some things now we not expected to happen.

We'd like to inform all here that last days we have passed some DDos attack from different people, the reason is why we got all the DDos attacks? Well we never expected to be DDos by other hosting providers, why we got DDosed by them? Because they know we are the top on the hosting market and they think by DDosing us like this they can bring us down. We'd like to inform these people they are just wasting their time by doing this, also we have informed all the hosting providers which their ip was in the DDos attack but they not even answered to us. Why? Because they thought they could launch a attack and never be revealed. Also it is good to inform them they bring them in a very bad situation because the attacks launched without our permission.

Also a notification to the hosting providers here, if any member post a positive feedback here mentioning our company and that they are clients and you (hosting providers) sent them a private message disturbing them and asking them to come to your company you will be reported to the Wjunction staff which they are doing a brilliant job and keep the website in normal and we publicly thanks them for the great job they are doing and the website they have. Clients reported us some of you (hosting providers0 disturb them after they left a feedback to us. This is unacceptable!

With these ways nobody can bring us down, we do a real job and like we said from our firsts posts we care about all our clients. We try everyday to do our best even if they "attack" in different ways. We are very unhappy when we see clients coming from a various hosting providers (the most of here) and mentioning they suspend them for no reason or because of high usage or fake reason, we will help you if we can and we will try our best. We not oversell like the most of , we no use fake words like most of and many things like this.

All our Russian web hosting clients will have 1 month free at their hosting packages!

We have different locations, Russia - France - Romania contact us now for any shared hosting package and we will assist you as soon as possible.

Catch now the offer of 1.50$ of the Romania shared hosting , just contact us on UndergroundPrivate Offshore Shared Hosting or on Skype under id UndergroundPrivate, we do what we tell.

If you like not be disturbed try the Russia web hosting! Please read the rules before buying or contact us on UndergroundPrivate Offshore Shared Hosting or on Skype under id UndergroundPrivate

Thank you for choosing us ,
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I have a little review for you guys.

So this will be my 4th day hosted by UndergroundPrivate.

First of all, I am noob at hosting so they helped me with the migration free of charge. You would think that's nothing but when you are dealing with beginners simple task can take a lot of time. So from this point of view the support helped me a lot and had great patience with me.

Speaking about support, we all know that a quick reply to your ticket matters. No complains here either, if they are not online on skype ( which I doubt ) they answer tickets pretty fast and might I add, they answer even to stupid questions beginners like me have.

And the last part is the hosting itself, I get fast page loading times and overall great performance.

I forgot to mention why I left my old host provider, koddos , I was paying them 26$/month for bad support ( they answered my tickets after 1 day at least) , low performance ( my sites barely loaded at all ) , bad faith ( I had to actual film my sites not loading and send them the video to belive me ) and all this for 26$/month for a shared hosting.

I am glad I moved to UdergoundPrivate where I pay only 9$/month and I get fast support and super loading times for my sites.

I hope this review helps you to pick a host provider like this one that has: fast support, fast speeds and low prices.
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Dear customers ,

Thank you for choosing our offshore hosting server UndergroundPrivate.com , everytime we get mass emails of our clients and saying how they are satisfied from our services and from our support & more features. We kindly thank you all who you choose us and spread our hosting news everywhere.

If you looking real safety & privacy then come to our web hosting undergroundprivate.com , if you look also for a real offshore & responsible hosting you should choose us again, if you look for a real DMCA ignore you should choose too again. If you believe it or not if you want a real , trust , private & good support hosting service then undergroundprivate.com is that you looking for.

There are plenty of hosting services in the market , we everyday read message of our clients how bad they was threaten by their previous host providers , the delay on the tickets they sometimes they even wait for 5-6 days , the support was a really negative and connection very slow. Well if you want to forget all about this then come to us.

We sell offshore hosting in Russia, France & Romania. We have also plenty of locations! Just contact us and we will assist you as soon as possible. We have hundred of clients in our hosting service and everyday is growing more and more.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com

Added after 6 Days 21 Hours:

Dear customers ,

This is really amazing that is happening for us, everyone is talking with the best words about us around the Internet and we assist you in ways no other one is doing this , we give you the best quality and the privacy you need. On our shared hosting you are completely free and we care about you.

We everyday get large number of people that was complaining about other hosts, they was telling them the marketing tricks they will have everything , they will have 24x7 support , the best service, no downtime , no DMCA policy and more about it, but when they had realized they good nothing , they got 1 hour per day support , the worst service , 99% downtime, DMCA policy and suspend without notification and more about it.

We are not like them and thank you for recognizing this! We are doing our best. Feel free to contact us under Skype ID UndergroundPrivate or on email undergroundprivate.com@gmail.com or on our website UndergroundPrivate - Contact

We have many location offshore in word, Russia / France / Romania
If you need a trusted hosting and trusted words choose us! We can say a lot of words about us but no matters , check what people says for us around the Internet.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com team
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the continue of this feedback http://www.wjunction.com/8-shared/182154-12.html#post1953207

i got form UndergroundPrivate two shared account one on France n one one Russia
on Russia groundwaters.me i got couple of DMCA notice they ignored it like they told
i thought they will suspend me like the most sh**** hosting providers did
they done what they told i am really impressed by them they helped me
but i will keep this for last
i got also on France server DMCA notice for my forum they ignored it too
i feel very safer than before with them and they did what they told me
they have no downtimes they are amazing i am not be bothered by notices anymore
i love you undergroundprivate.com
Dear customers ,

This is really amazing that is happening for us, everyone is talking with the best words about us around the Internet and we assist you in ways no other one is doing this , we give you the best quality and the privacy you need. On our shared hosting you are completely free and we care about you.

We everyday get large number of people that was complaining about other hosts, they was telling them the marketing tricks they will have everything , they will have 24x7 support , the best service, no downtime , no DMCA policy and more about it, but when they had realized they good nothing , they got 1 hour per day support , the worst service , 99% downtime, DMCA policy and suspend without notification and more about it.

We are not like them and thank you for recognizing this! We are doing our best. Feel free to contact us under Skype ID UndergroundPrivate or on email undergroundprivate.com@gmail.com or on our website UndergroundPrivate - Contact

We have many location offshore in word, Russia / France / Romania
If you need a trusted hosting and trusted words choose us! We can say a lot of words about us but no matters , check what people says for us around the Internet.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com team

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