UndergroundPrivate.com-cPanel,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

Groundwaters (UndergroundPrivate)


UndergroundPrivate - We are different than others

Tired of

  • Getting scammed by fake hosts that tell you they will provide you will excellent service and support?
  • All the times downtime?
  • Owners of hosts that interested only for you money
  • Slow and non quality services
  • You cant have free of speech on the Internet?
  • Hosts that close in a minute

We are happy to announce you a private server that fits to the people who are being chased by DMCA notices, they want to feel more safe, they want to feel more anonymous. We understand what a client needs.

All web hosting plans include:

  • Latest cPanel version
  • DDos Protection
  • DMCA ignored
  • 24x7 Support via ticket
  • 1Gbps Network
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Instant Setup
  • Fast and reliable data storage
  • Free website migration
  • Complete anonymity

Please note that we not offer reseller packages on this server.

Shared hosting
Personal - 3.50$ (4GB /month - Order: Click Here To Contact
Business - 5.50$ (8GB / month - Order: Click Here To Contact
Enterprise-7.50$ (12GB / month - Order: Click Here To Contact

There are not many available slots, many has been reserved. If you want to contact us you could do it via Skype on UndergroundPrivate or sent us email regarding this server undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com

What do we allow?

We allow everything you can imagine except child porn, malicious and virus programs, botnet contoller. Please look at our Terms Of Service rules

Payment Methods

You can pay via paypal and bitcoin.
just bought shared from the Russian location i will keep you informed.............thanks :wave:

Well i bought the Russian shared hosting from UndergroundPrivate.com ......... I never believed there is such a serious offshore company the offshore Russian Hosting is excellent 5/5 no downtimes ........ fast line ..... excellent fast support and my privacy is secured they definitely ......... Whoever is looking for Russia offshore hosting that allows nulled contact UndergroundPrivate.com the people are the best ....... I moved all my websites to them they are excellent ........... i tried almost the most on WJ now years and nobody like them :wave:
Recently purchased and had a couple of problems (mainly mine) but John Q resolved those errors VERY quickly.

I have to recommend this Company's support and assistance.

Well done John Q, and thanks.
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Notice to all clients of UndergroundPrivate

Yesterday our all ip's has been blocked, the reason is because someone of the clinets has upload illegal stuff on the server and that is against our Terms Of Usage, we have contacted since yesterday the Datacenter so we can know further information's on this issue and this to be get resolved as soon as possible but still they are not answering us more about it. We hople today the issue will be resolved, if you need to contact us you can do it on the email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or on Skype UndergroundPrivate. We are here with you all us, the freedom of speech and the privacy on our servers are the first priority. You should not worry about the issue, all clients will get extra days on their accounts. We have hundrends of clients on our servers, and this make us proud.
Thank you,
Yours UndergroundPrivate team.​

Added after 7 Hours 24 minutes:

Notice to all clients of UndergroundPrivate

We have informed all our clients via e-mail about the issue we had, a client of us purchased service from our web hosting company so he can do illegal actions via it and that was against our Terms Of Usage. Feel free to contact us anytime, everything is working and it is fine.

Thank you,
Yours UndergroundPrivate team.

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i am using them now a time
i feel safe and no more notices
speed quality excellent could be and support awesome and fast
no like the other sh*** hosting providers the first one on their job
i love you undergroundprivate.com

Hello kirezagar,

The www.undergroundprivate.com server is being transferred to a new server right now, you won't be able to reach it the next time. We are doing our best to improve the quality and the privacy and everything related. You can try GroundWaters Russian Offshore Hosting if you need anything or reach us on skype under id UndergroundPrivate or sent us email on undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com team

Added after 12 Hours 44 minutes:

24.2.2014 UPDATE

Dear customers ,

The server of undergroundprivate.com has encoring some technical issues right now, we think we will back today back online on work, please stay tuned and we will be back soon . You can contact us via skype (UndergroundPrivate) , email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or via the website groundwaters.me .
We will be back soon with you, your privacy is protected on our servers

Thank you ,
Yours undergroundprivate.com team

24.2.2014 UPDATE

Everything is being fixed up and running underground again.

Thank you ,
Yours undergroundprivate.com team
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just got from them email.........i think they are the best and which ever i talked with it they know this company and tell they are the best ever been..............:handshake: nobody cant do anything to them (i read the email they sent) i will stay with you forever undergroundprivate........ instant support and best quality ever seen and i am safe with them not like the dump hosts they are around to take only money and give shit for nothing.......... :ff: (mozilla = undergroundprivate.com)
after some months ago i was worried about my hosting solution and no one is in row some are greedy for money and some are offline for 4 4 days and some are online but not respondings to me,

but finally i got a host that is very very suitable to me i realy loves this hosting service and they are very pretty good with there customers they help 24 hours and also do a big help where you get problem

thats the main thing i realy inviting my all friends to them becuase of their loyal and great service thanks alot for the preeety fast,cheaper and very very reliable service for new bies

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