I think that this topic in File Hosts Official Support.....I hope Dasolo will no longer spam this board about Italy being moved around in the current tier system!!!) If, as he states, he will be waiting for Ultramegabit to change their tier system, Please do NOT ask the Admin to change it. If they believe that it should be changed then it will be changed!:sun: If you want to join based on country payment tiers then keep checking back on the first page of this site and stop Spamming this board.
The same can be said for the trolls constantly whining about being paid a couple of dollars as if it is their only source of income.X-( Give all of us the opportunity to utilize this board for information about this filehost and issues pertaining to upload/download speed, affiliate signup, future plans of filehost - Not Whining about being paid a couple of bucks on this day or that day!!!X-( My God, it is clear people are receiving payment, chill out and give the Admin (Moogie, who it is clear is working his butt off for a few ungrateful Bad Apples) to balance his books and make all the payments.:sun: Based on all the whining and gnashing of teeth over a few dollars, Moogie has had to change the timing of payouts to everyone. Thanks a lot you Big Cry Babies!!!X-(
This Filehost is really the best one to come along since the major turn of events last January.:sun: Let's give them a chance and if you don't like what is going on move on to another filehost, there is a new one popping up on a weekly basis! Beleve me, Moogie and many of us on this board would be happy if you just PM'd the admin or better yet quit whining and appreciate all that this filehost has to offer!Barring that, Please move on to the filehost that suits your needs and all the rest of us are happy to say, "Good Luck With That!!!"
i can ask the support and th Friends All things related to the service Like tier system..upload,download,payments...ecc
Who are you???To speak so with members???Now that Italy has been called out we get a real winner or should I say Whiner(!:facepalmfrom France crying about the payout tiers???!!! Can't you guys read English???!!!:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
You Must Learn To Read English!!!:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Added after 7 minutes:
Moogie, I think I will volunteer as an Admin to Ultramegabits just to be able to Permanently Ban the Trolls from Italy and elsewhere that seem to hit ALL of the Filehosts with this changing their payment tiers Nonsense.:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Either that or I will suggest to them that they take some "English For Dummies" tutorials so they learn how to read!!!:P
u are support Ultramegabits???
ua re moderator for this site?
Or Just Making Noise....
i hope kraftx will no longer spam this board about His English..And leave a reply to the support