Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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BTW, your current hoster got their funds on hold for 180 days again? Stop gambling, and hoping they'll pay you after 6 months. Everytime they switch to another 3rd party processor, they're at risk for their funds to get on hold again. So I know many of you are happy that they get new payment options, but like all the others, those too will soon be closed as well. Why keep gambling? Come work with UMB, and don't stress anymore. :)
Some updates for you all. We are working on an implementing a Fixed PPS rate for 10$ per sale, and an elite PPS rate for affiliates earning 5+ sales per day. I'll keep you updated on the details.

But I have some changes I want to implement for free/guest user restrictions. And want some feedback from our users. I'm thinking about removing the 150KB/s speed limit for free/guest users. But implementing a 45second wait time for the download link to appear, and still keep the wait time between downloads to 30 minutes for free users, and 20 minutes for registered users. And also limit the amount of data they can download per day. So free users will have blazing fast downloads like mediafire or megaupload, but will be limited on how much they can download per day, I kinda wanted to see what your thoughts on this are. Thanks for the input.

Removing the speed limit will definitely be very good to PPD users but it may lower sales right? Users will love it that's for sure and it will popularize UMB even further.

The daily limitation is a good idea but it has the problem of being quite easy to evade by changing IP.
@moogie i want to know how to put all my files for premium users only.


BTW, your current hoster got their funds on hold for 180 days again? Stop gambling, and hoping they'll pay you after 6 months. Everytime they switch to another 3rd party processor, they're at risk for their funds to get on hold again. So I know many of you are happy that they get new payment options, but like all the others, those too will soon be closed as well. Why keep gambling? Come work with UMB, and don't stress anymore. :)

thanks :)
hi moogie

just started to upload and i've 6 downloads but earnings still 0$ why ?


why it takes so long for files to get ready to download ???

We're sorry, This file is still being processed and is not yet ready for download, please
check back shortly.

check my PM

pls solve the issue
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links collections is so much hard

Upload using ZOOM its easy to manage links there... also they have a universal filemanager....

Moogie... one doubt only... you are USA based... aren't you afraid of any justice problems.... after all after megaup is a real thing to be worried
I'm not really worried about what happened with megaupload. We're a real US corporation, and we follow all DMCA laws. And we're not directly trying to take money from the RIAA by starting to take their artist, which IMO is why they were targeted.
I'm not really worried about what happened with megaupload. We're a real US corporation, and we follow all DMCA laws. And we're not directly trying to take money from the RIAA by starting to take their artist, which IMO is why they were targeted.

really good to know that moogie 10 points for you by not being afraid of talking about this subject...

haha and another 20 for not use a XFS crap script...

Here are some promotional banners for you all.






You can get your affiliate link by logging into main UMB site, and viewing your profile, then click affiliate.
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hi moogie

just started to upload and i've 6 downloads but earnings still 0$ why ?


why it takes so long for files to get ready to download ???

We're sorry, This file is still being processed and is not yet ready for download, please
check back shortly.

check my PM

pls solve the issue

can u pls check my PM and reply
I'm new to this filehost. Is there any way you can make it so free downloaders can only download 1 file per hour. I don't see much incentive for people to buy premium with only waiting 20 minutes between downloads. I've had good luck with filehosts in the past that have longer waiting times for free users. Besides this the host looks great, I'm giving you guys a shot.=)
how to use the folder link , everytime i click the link folder , it show nothing when there are 2 file inside the folder

also how to see my stat report

Account status
I'm not really worried about what happened with megaupload. We're a real US corporation, and we follow all DMCA laws. And we're not directly trying to take money from the RIAA by starting to take their artist, which IMO is why they were targeted.

So there is also no risk that PP will terminate business with you and freeze your account?
how and why? I don't accept paypal. Theres no money in my paypal, so what would they freeze? I can easily make other paypal accounts to send payments if there was ever an issue. Anyhow, we're offering payoneer in the next month or 2.
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