It's for everyone. 1st and 15th. If the wave of chargebacks is continuing, the payout will be on the 15th. I will keep you all updated here. When you have your own merchant account, you need to be within visa and mastercards chargeback threshold:
Visa has a charge back ratio threshold of 1% of total sales volume (for any given month) and up to 100 chargebacks. Master Card is exactly the same scenario, only their threshold is a 0.5% ratio, and 50 total chargebacks in any given month.
We need to do whatever possible to keep our merchant account(s) secure. Being that you can get chargebacks up to 3 months, I think a 30 day hold on pending sales is not that long, if you're not up to something shady, then you have nothing to worry about.
This is what sets us(UMB) apart from other hosters. We have our own merchant accounts. (yes plural) We don't rely on some other company to process our credit cards. The problem when you rely on another company to process for you, you can be terminated at any moment. And I think you all know what happens then. When you're terminated, your funds are held in a reserve to ensure the cost of chargebacks. This can be from 180 days, to whenever they feel like releasing your money. And when you have to choose whether to pay your affiliates, or your server bills, what do you think they're gonna choose?
It's very funny though, because all these hosts have lost different processors, then move to the next 'hot' processor, but you guys keep working with them. Sorry, don't really understand it.