Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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Added after 23 minutes:

adult content providers, if you want to earn an extra 5$ - 10$ per pay period PM me ASAP.
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when i registered i chose paypal and typed my email but whre i can change it in case i want webmoney or payza? i tried here but it's blank it doesnt give me options to choose


the affiliate site is hard to understand, too many stats, make it simple 1 bar for download and 1 for sales :P
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hello, when pay day, because I read the first page and is reported to be on Wednesdays, but along the line I can read that users who have just published a new payment charge, then I do not understand. thanks
Kindly answer me

What are you talking about? I logged into your account, your stats are exactly the same from quickstats, and the widget.

Quick stats is the actual real number 43.3334
the widget rounds it down? 43.3300
Did you really need me to answer that for you?

When I select some files and click "Generate links"... nothing happens.

Is it for me only or this is an error?

come on guys. do me a favor and read the previous questions about that. quit being lazy.

hello, when pay day, because I read the first page and is reported to be on Wednesdays, but along the line I can read that users who have just published a new payment charge, then I do not understand. thanks

Wednesdays. (answered for the 50'th time)
thanks moogie for approving my affiliate program
Now i am waiting PPD activation
but i want to know , from Payout Balances can i chose my min Payout from this list 25$ , 200$ , 300$ , 400$ , 500$ , and 3$
can i chose 3$ ??
kptu5000 your inbox is full

register in the affiliate program and wait for activation

at first page , the second rate plane ( 20$ USD /1000 ) contain
Saudi Arabia

but affiliate program inside the site only contain Germany, France, Europe
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