Ultramegabit official support thread

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u have online but just ignore my question and my ticket open over 5 days no one to response,lucky me was do self fix that,if no I till now can't upload anything also,u everyting good but ur support system are the worst even see.
are you opening your ticket in the affiliate support? because there are no open affiliate tickets, and if you figured it it yourself why would you need help? everything is pretty self explanatory.
Thank you Ultramegabit for wiring my affiliate earnings to me so quickly. In the last few weeks that we've been affiliated you have always paid out my earnings very fast without any hassle or nonsense.

Its also such a relief to not see yet ANOTHER File Host running that lame XFileSharingPro Script, you guys went way out of your way to make your own file hosting service from the ground up and it really shows because the interface and layout are really helpful for affiliates to make that essential conversion for free/anonymous users into premium accounts.

Furthermore, having a professional career background in the Backup & Disaster Recovery field that involved working with Petabyte sized File Systems I can really tell that your back-end server infrastructure is also among the best that I've seen. I easily upload over 1TB a day to you guys without any transfer failures which is such a relief, I'm so tired of uploads failing on me with other file hosts and this is never an issue with you guys!...

My only complaint: The affiliate reporting system only shows the amount of affiliate earnings earned each day without telling me specifically how many accounts I sell per day. I do know that the rest of the reporting does show really useful data on each individual sale, but unfortunately I'm selling too many premium accounts per day for me to easily add up the number of accounts that I've sold. I guess I can't really bitch too much about that though :P

*Edit* Someone just told me to look at the Earnings summary portion of the reporting as it displays the daily number of accounts sold, so now I have nothing to complain about!
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Please increase TIER 2 PPD RATE is too low , everything is perfect
Sorry, we're happy with the rates as they are. There have not been an increase in sales from tier2, if there is, we will definitely increase it.

Added after 3 Hours 54 minutes:

during the next few days, ultramegabit will be adding 50 more fileservers to our network (around 1PB)in order to accommodate user submitted content.
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Please increase TIER 2 PPD RATE is too low , everything is perfect
Sorry, we're happy with the rates as they are. There have not been an increase in sales from tier2, if there is, we will definitely increase it.

Added after 3 Hours 54 minutes:

during the next few days, ultramegabit will be adding 50 more fileservers to our network (around 1PB)in order to accommodate user submitted content.

One Petabyte is a pretty hefty amount of storage to add, heres a cool image that helps you wrap your head around what that equates to:

So as an affiliate I hereby promise to do my part in helping you guys fill that up :)
Sorry, we're happy with the rates as they are. There have not been an increase in sales from tier2, if there is, we will definitely increase it.

Added after 3 Hours 54 minutes:

during the next few days, ultramegabit will be adding 50 more fileservers to our network (around 1PB)in order to accommodate user submitted content.

One Petabyte is a pretty hefty amount of storage to add, heres a cool image that helps you wrap your head around what that equates to:

So as an affiliate I hereby promise to do my part in helping you guys fill that up :)
Hey Eddie!
Think this one works better. :fly:


PayPal Payment recived thnx
no problem man. What number of payment is that now that you have received?

Added after 2 minutes:

I am unable to login to my account. I cleared my cache and I am using Chrome. Is anyone else facing the same issue?
We don't have any issues, reset your password?


Added after 1:

keep it up sales going fine.. these days:sun:
Thanks alot! We will definitely do our part to ensure that affiliates can easily generate sales!
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your site is best in rates and everything but plz upgrade your service. not able to upload at good speed plus zoom player gets hang when I try to upload.. I m using neitherland rdp.. plz do something
your site is best in rates and everything but plz upgrade your service. not able to upload at good speed plus zoom player gets hang when I try to upload.. I m using neitherland rdp.. plz do something
Our service is based in the USA at one of the best Data Centers in the nation. With the best bandwidth you could buy. Tier 1 95th percentile bandwidth. So, do you expect us to move all of our servers to NL, just to support your netherland RDP? Sorry. We wont do it. If you want the fastest speeds that you can get, then use a US RDP.
your site is best in rates and everything but plz upgrade your service. not able to upload at good speed plus zoom player gets hang when I try to upload.. I m using neitherland rdp.. plz do something
Our service is based in the USA at one of the best Data Centers in the nation. With the best bandwidth you could buy. Tier 1 95th percentile bandwidth. So, do you expect us to move all of our servers to NL, just to support your netherland RDP? Sorry. We wont do it. If you want the fastest speeds that you can get, then use a US RDP.

thanks 4 telling that u r usa based host bcoz hotfile got bannd bcoz of usa based host. cant trust on US BASED HOST
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