Ultramegabit official support thread

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There is no reason for slow upload speeds, we don't have a capped amount of bandwidth. If you're experiencing any slow speeds, it could be the location you are uploading from. If you're uploading from EU, we are hosted in USA, and that could be your problem. At any rate, we have some new NL FTP servers coming in the next few days, to help out people who use NL or EU RDP's, there will be a delay in processing files if using these FTP's. The activation will not be instant, like when using local upload, or the US FTP server. But keep in mind, we are hosted in US, and for fastest upload speeds, it is recommended to use a US RDP.
we know you're US host, but most of uploaders usually use NL rdp. we're getting only 800KB/s upload speed zoom/webupload, no ftp eu host now. never try your us ftp, think it may be slow, when you implement some eu server, we got nice speed from NL server 5-25 MB/s from zoom, but eu ftp was slow.
so I don't upload anything for slow upload speed, cause i have two NL rdp. don't try US rdp.most of rdp provider hosted in NL/other eu location.
whenever you re-implement again eu server, I test your host again. if i found nice upload speed, then I works again.
we know you're US host, but most of uploaders usually use NL rdp. we're getting only 800KB/s upload speed zoom/webupload, no ftp eu host now. never try your us ftp, think it may be slow, when you implement some eu server, we got nice speed from NL server 5-25 MB/s from zoom, but eu ftp was slow.
so I don't upload anything for slow upload speed, cause i have two NL rdp. don't try US rdp.most of rdp provider hosted in NL/other eu location.
whenever you re-implement again eu server, I test your host again. if i found nice upload speed, then I works again.
we will have some new nl/eu ftp servers, but the problem is, files will not be activated instantly, as in normal web upload/ftp upload(US)/zoom, since they still have to transfer back to the US storage servers. Buy a US RDP, you'll get fast speeds to your other filehosts as well.

Added after 2 Hours 57 minutes:

looks like pp is lagging on the deposit again, and since they don't deposit over the weekend, your funds should be in your accounts by monday or tuesday.

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so you are not going to add something like other host use to upload ?

like the 1000s of uploaders don't use us rdp so they can leave UMB ?
so you are not going to add something like other host use to upload ?

like the 1000s of uploaders don't use us rdp so they can leave UMB ?

I just said in a previous post about 2 posts up, that we have bought new NL/EU FTP servers, and they will be up again, but it won't have immediate activation of files. There will be a queue like before.

Added after 12 minutes:

I bought an RDP US and does not work much better...

We have no bandwidth limitation, and are hosted at choopa with tier 1 bandwidth. Some of the best bandwidth you could buy. It is not cogent, or shitty bandwidth. It is not our servers causing the slowness. We cannot control if your RDP you bought is oversold, or on a sub-par hosting network like FDC Servers or something. And I'm pretty sure most RDP Providers will let you 'test' their boxes before you purchase them.

On a side note. If you notice the only people complaining about any slowness via ftp or zoom are the people with the NL/EU RDP's. I've stated many times we're a US host, our main servers are in the USA, not NL, or EU as many of the other filehosts at WJ. If you are earning good money with UMB, as many many affiliates are, why would you not buy a US RDP? You get paid weekly, and our site is extremely stable, we don't shave, and our stats are accurate, why would you not invest in a tool that will enable you to upload faster, and thus make it easier for you to earn money with us? We will not be moving our site to NL or EU, so there is no reason to keep arguing the issue about people saying our site's slow from their NL RDP's. We won't be moving our site or company or over 400TB of data just because a few affiliates cannot get fast speeds on their 10$ a month NL RDP's. That's just foolish. Instead of complaining every day, we suggest you buy the right tool for the job.
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