Ultramegabit official support thread

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It gives me this massage for 50% of my files "We're sorry. This file is currently unavailable."
And it's like that for over 3 weeks.
We've been investigating the problem, and this has happened to some files, when we had the database problem the other day. A re-upload of those files should solve the problem.

huge scam. you should have at least 300$. or umb should loose traffic and end up their paypershit programe

Yes, I'm sure his country traffic origin, and filesize's have nothing to do with the earnings. Thanks for your input! As always, it's invaluable to us.
Still not count multiple downloads? Any update news?
no we don't yet. We're testing still. And we will update. There are plenty of reasons why your rate could be low. filesize, and countries your traffic comes from. If you have traffic from tier 4, and small sizes, obviously your rate will be low.

(i've 1000 downloads earned only 1.2 $ )

rates are very low...even though u r saying tier4 and low file size...etc etc

i feel still the rates r very low when compared to other host

pls implement multiple download count

waiting for good news
your affiliates are thrilled to reuplaod 500 gb of files beacuse you had database problems. :rofl:
your cheap scripts and lack of technical knowledge to maintain them shows how serious is your business, and how invaluable the service you try to provide is
cheap script? This is not xfs. Sorry. And there was no lack of technical knowledge. Either his files were deleted because of DMCA, or they were not downloaded. What support exactly do you need in this thread? Do you have any questions?

We had a database problem which was resolved in hours, which resulted in a FEW affiliate file uploads giving a 404. In no way did this effect everybody.

Added after 6 minutes:

(i've 1000 downloads earned only 1.2 $ )

rates are very low...even though u r saying tier4 and low file size...etc etc

i feel still the rates r very low when compared to other host

pls implement multiple download count

waiting for good news

UMB has realistic rates in place. You can say they are low compared to other hosts, but the truth is they are realistic rates and not highly exaggerated rates that hosts claim for a few months, then all of a sudden the host disappears. We pay weekly, our service is solid, and we're here for the long run.

We are still testing the multiple IP count, and will let you know when it is available. You don't need to keep spamming the question. We didn't give a time when it was going to be ready, when we feel the testing is completed, we will give an update in the thread.
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i still not able to receive my payout
my account engfox
Available earnings* $24.75

no thing done from three weeks ago

what happen to you
you pay before this but until 3 weeks you don't make payout
I've answered this question for you 2 times now. On the other forum. Your affiliate information is blank, and you would have received several e-mails everytime we do payouts, to fill in this information in order to receive your payment. Please comply, and receive your payment. It's pretty easy.

Unique: 429
Raw: 1,552
1,551 / $3.38

You count unique or raw?
as of right now we count unique. When we do the multiple download count, it will work in this fashion.
Original IP downloads file, they get 100% of the commission from the country
Same IP downloads file again, they get a certain % of the commission
Same IP downloads file again, they get a certain % of the commission

There is a limit on how much will be paid out maximum per IP.
cheap script? This is not xfs. Sorry. And there was no lack of technical knowledge. Either his files were deleted because of DMCA, or they were not downloaded. What support exactly do you need in this thread? Do you have any questions?

We had a database problem which was resolved in hours, which resulted in a FEW affiliate file uploads giving a 404. In no way did this effect everybody.
I have problem with old and new files too.It gives me:
"File not available

We're sorry. This file is currently unavailable."

And I've just uploaded a file and it gives me the same massage...
Pls fix that.
how are you uploading? FTP? Remote? Local? PM me your username. Thanks. Just spoke with the programmer, he said delete the files that are unavailable, then reupload them.

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You have blank affiliate information. Fill out your information in profile, profile settings, affiliate.

Once that is filled out you will receive automatic payments. You would have received e-mails telling you this as well.

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