Ultramegabit official support thread

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is there PPS program?

Yes, but you have to request upgrade to PPS on your account page.
If you'll notice on the left-hand side of your UMB account page, you'll see a bunch of links including one called CAMPAIGNS.
It explains there that you have to open a support ticket to request upgrade from PPD to PPS.
They pay 60% of sales and re-bills.
server still unavaible 3 days running now no answer from umb think it time to say bye bye oh yeah and stats not counting no answer from support that can only mean one thing
server still unavaible 3 days running now no answer from umb think it time to say bye bye oh yeah and stats not counting no answer from support that can only mean one thing

you can call them or write email you know they no reply on support tickets or here :P if you call or send some mails they answer
I am having a perplexing problem, for about the last 3 or 4 days whether I upload to UMB via FTP (doesnt seem to matter what client) or upload via webpage, it brings my computers (all that I hooked to the router) to a standstill as far as doing anything else, my uploads are slower than they have ever been to UMB, and they are certainly not using all my upload bandwidth, It is not my internet as all bandwidth test are reporting normal speeds

Any ideas??

i think is your internet because i upload from my ip(romania) web and rdp NL via ftp and work great in ftp and web my speed is very good ( if you want upload speed, you need good internet or good rdp ;) ) and please to cry here every time i saw are many users witch cry here for speed upl , i have great internet (100 euro /month) and a great rdp(thrusthost) and i upload with mega speed ;) in ftp 5 gb in 30 seconds ;) and web from my pc with 30 mbs:).stop to cry! Post here when you have seriosly problems (errors,bugs,payments not recived etc.:) for another problems you can make a ticket or send a mail .
I have only ever asked for help here, when UMB has not answered a ticket nor an email request!!!!
I am not crying and I am happy as hell that your internet is so great, I only have one isp to choose from, and the reason I asked is because there upload problems seem to coincide with UMBs upload server change,

excuse me for asking in an attempt to try and diagnose if its a UMB problem or with my ISP
Bill have you tried uploading a few files to some other host to see if the problem is specific to UMB, or if it's related somehow to the FTP protocol on your PC? Even if you set up a free account, you should be able to upload a couple of files in the 100-500mb range and test it out.
Bill i don't have a problem with your question but if you saw last 30 pags only with this question is it ... why is slow :)..if your speed was good and today or last days your speed decrease you can ask for help i know umb support is to slow..
did you guys having issue with remote upload? or just me.
hope UMB team fix all issue, cuz i'm working with RU.

Upload server currently unavailable - Thu Jan 16 2014 10:55:33 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)
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