Ultramegabit official support thread

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@ UMB Support

for the past 2-3 days site loading really slow...somehow even after login moving around tabs like profile,affiliate,messages everything very slow

anybody feeling the same ??

pls solve the issue...
web upload stops then continues i hope my files isent getting corrupted in upload ill try ftp with filezilla next

ftp is good

227 Entering Passive Mode (95,211,185,133,92,125)
Command: STOR whose.line.is.it.anyway.us.s09e01.hdtv.x264-bajskorv.mp4
Response: 150 Accepted data connection
Response: 226-11634352 Kbytes used (11%) - authorized: 104857600 Kb
Response: 226-File successfully transferred
Response: 226 252.201 seconds (measured here), 0.62 Mbytes per second
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 162,873,918 bytes in 252 seconds

plz sort ftp it really slow cmon umb keep server running nice
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LOL. sorry, just had to LOL at that. :D

We're adding 2 different, faster EU FTP servers, since people complained about speed on them, but since it's not completed yet, we're telling lies? Sorry, LOL'd again.

Remote upload still not working , please update then message at your site

and not still check tonight for remote upload.....

why all those lies ....

Added after 2 minutes:

and files takeing long time to process ive already uploaded 8 files and they havent been processed uploaded them bout a hour ago

Yes, we're adding 2 new FTP Servers which are faster, and should not cause much delays. Also, files may take a little longer to process, as over the past 2 weeks, we've been getting 75-100 new affiliates a day who are uploading lots of files.
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