Ultrafile.me - MIX PLAN paying $60/1000 PPD and 60% PPS | Minimum $5 payouts

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sad to see Singapore is not in the list. i tot there is a good advertising rates here to earn for everyone. Would love to try this out.
And again links become inactive, most after a minute after upload and one after one day

You said that it was repaired?

Users who download is disappointed
And again links become inactive, most after a minute after upload and one after one day

You said that it was repaired?

Users who download is disappointed

Statistics frozen today for all, or just for me ?
Username: ultrafileme

Statistics frozen about 18 hours ago.

Your right guys, we have a problem with one of our servers today and that made our stats frozen. we will credit back all the money by the end of the day and compensate for this please be patient until we fix this issue

Thanks for your support
I more concerned about what links after minute they become dead

That is also part of the problem, in the last few days some scripts have become corrupted and therefore we are facing several difficulties at the same time we are trying to resolve everything and get back on track
I more concerned about what links after minute they become dead

That is also part of the problem, in the last few days some scripts have become corrupted and therefore we are facing several difficulties at the same time we are trying to resolve everything and get back on track

Ok thanks, otherwise you are very good and fast hosting...
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Over the last few days we had some major issues with our servers, we have managed to finally recover all the data and fix the corrupted scripts

Thank you all for being patient so far, we are going to credit back all our affiliates for the earnings of the last few days

From now things will be much more stable as we are back bigger and better
Over the last few days we had some major issues with our servers, we have managed to finally recover all the data and fix the corrupted scripts

Thank you all for being patient so far, we are going to credit back all our affiliates for the earnings of the last few days

From now things will be much more stable as we are back bigger and better

i am Uploader can u upgrade my account Username : Silkystar
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