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Yeah,I understand the servers are overload sometimes,but the users and me too read this message few hours ago! :( ( At this moment too) No chance to download anything!
Besides,yesterday there was same problem.

Can you check this problem,uload?

Thanks! :)
you must understand that we have keep our promises for our paying users to offer a great service.

if you get something for free and it won't be available for a period of time. just accept it...

otherwise we have to explain our paying users why they download so slow

i hope you understand. if you don't understand that I'm sorry.

paying users are more welcome because they pay. free users are welcome too but they should accept to be limited sometimes
Hey uload,I wouldn't liked to forcing you.I just told you a problem....
And I don't need to understand,because I understand this thing.But I get letters about every 30 minutes from my users,who are complaining for this situation.

But don't worry about it,it is my problem.....

I'm sorry that I said! ;)
- You say no problem with upload , my upload freeze still wait and i see when when it's supposed to be finished:
Error: No file on disk (/usr/lib/cgi-bin/temp/.....)

- Flash Upload (Multiple uploads by choosing files holding SHIFT for all users) :
it's wrong !!! One file at time

- Free user can't download
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