uload.to - 50% Sale + 50 % Rebill Awesome payout methods

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We try to find solutions with all of you together. Tell me 1 filehost that cares like us, offering same service, filesize, paytables etc . If you know one why are you still here???

Actually quite a few claim they are the best at caring and the highest paying but then the webmaster forums are full of dead bodies/scammers.

Truth is if they delete files after 15/30 days from last download, offer small file sizes, low storage space, and/or use the same scripts then the majority are in for the quick buck.

I'm not with uload.to but if I was going back to file sharing I would certainly put this one among the very few I would consider choosing.
sir is ru down? or its just slow right now?

ru upload works for small files at the moment because of the recovering for the data!

Added after 16 minutes:

Can not find this page
Can not find the page corresponding to the following URL: http://s54.uload.to:182/d/xiv5veuft...4o5fgsqp2iqsmrsyk2j2kkkfd/rururufff.part3.rar
Error 6 (net :: ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): can not find the file or directory.

Can't help you probably the files haven't been recreated or been damaged on crash :( we're sorry. I think you should upload them again.

I can try to ask our programmer tomorrow perhaps the file is still there. Other files working fine!

Can't remove torrents.

we will remove them tomorrow when we shut down backup server
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Upload frequently interrupted! ! !

Whoops! Google Chrome can not connect to s54.uload.to: 182

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As long as the stable!
In order to retain the uploader!
You can pay for time has cast doubt on
If the host server fails,
No one would choose you!
The eyes of the masses have sharp eyes!
Stable! ! ! Stable! ! God bless! !
we try our best believe me! all our servers are in RAID setup to reduce downtime and data loss! but when RAID contoller crashes there is no chance having no downtime :(

Added after 36 minutes:

we have reduced the max download filesize for anonymous users to 800MB, registered users can still download 1gb files for free
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800mb for free user for ever? or its temporary

ur host provide PPD+PPS at the same time .right, so i guess its on hybrid.
so its 100%PPD + 50% PPS with rebill
am I right or m I r8 :P?
we have reduced the max download filesize for anonymous users to 800MB, registered users can still download 1gb files for free

That's not what I get when I try downloading a file between 800mb and 1gb as a guest:

Free/Registered users can only download files up to 800 MB!

Hope you will change that to allow non-premium members up to 1gb file size.
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