uload.to - 50% Sale + 50 % Rebill Awesome payout methods

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hi hifi. that is not possible. but we can change your name to a number


probably we can do that but let's check it with our admin next week.

The most of our users enjoy to have their username public.

I mean it's just an alias?
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ok great , just change it to number for all link folder , i believe no one want their account name to be show on public as it could attract hacker
we already know this and this will be fixed

you can also add your filename manually after filecode

like uload.to/3456789/filename.rar

both works with our without
today or monday. we are preparing and setting up more servers for the mass of files we get at the moment ;)

we want to be sure that we will have a good upload speed for all of you and a lot of storage space left for heavy users ;)
i'll be waiting for the update...then i will try your service..hope that downloaders/premium buyers will be satisfied..i'm a loyal uploader and i will use your site exclusively if my followers were satisfied,,:-)
we always try our best. feel free to ask other users here in forum. if you're already registered we will inform you by email!
alright! better do it now because if we should launch ppd in a few hours you will get noticed otherwise you have to check here. but I think it will be monday

we bring filesonic and wupload paytables back to uload ;)
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