Ufile Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ufile here.

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If you are guessing why ufile.eu got banned, the answer is simple.

uFile.eu is a SCAM !

The site is being run by a known fraud, Berrycorp AKA Agam Berry. This guy has run many fraudulent schemes ranging from card theft, phishing, international financial scams, malware attacks and affiliate fraud. In all his schemes he always defrauds everyone he is involved with. Including even his partners in crime. He has a very bad reputation in the industry and no one prefers to work with him.

Agam Berry will have absolutely no issues selling your personal data and he has always done so in his projects. User data dumps from his websites reach the market in 3 months and it is available for purchase to anyone including hackers to law enforcement. He will also sells SSN when available.

Agam Berry has no regards for the file-locker business. He is here to defraud as many people as he can. He is going to offer VERY HIGH payouts initially to hook in as many publishers as possible. He will disappear overnight when he has reached his goal and run away with every ones money and THEIR DATA.

Please dont take my word for it. Double the information here

- http://company-director-check.co.uk/director/915933770
Lists information about Agam Berry and his association with CPABULL LTD
Lists address of CPABULL LTD

- http://www.eurid.eu/
Search for whois of ufile.eu
Confirm the registrant name and address
- http://i49.tinypic.com/2ibglrd.png

Some nice words for Agam Berry from some pissed off people
- http://www.agamberry.com/
- http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/agam-berry-c422074.html

Another person involved in ufile.eu is. Belgin Fish. He is as notorious as Agam Berry and have worked together on past scams.

Details for Both of them

1. Agam Berry ( aka Berrycorp)
375, Sector 2
Panchkula, Haryana
India 134112

2. Belgin Fish, from ontario canada.
It's okay, dont believe me, i'm not gonna force you. Believe the guy who says it's an scam, he also have 1 post. I'm nothing with that host, and yes, I'm from Argentina, any problem?
Yeah, especially with the 10 KBps speed you give to free users and the fact that everyone and their mom already knows this site is run by a known Indian scammer. Heck why would you give people a two-day premium for free if they log in with their facebook account except to try to steal their passwords or make dictionaries with the obtained IDs and passes and sell in the black market, exactly what the owner of this site is known for? Try harder, dude, try harder... :facepalm:
i received 5 payment from this host,now,the JDownloader no accept your link and earnigs drop to much,but at the moment pay...in 24 HRS
hi guys..,

is this host good...??

some say they received payment...some say the site run by hacker,Fraud,cheater so be careful !!

which is true ??

also why ufile.eu banned from WJ...??

any body using ufile

pls share ur views correctly....
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