Two Questions? Can anybody Answer?

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1. Is there any option to DOWNLOAD with high speed from file hosts, like remote upload speed? even we have slow/normal speed Internet connection.

2. Is there any option to remote upload from streaming website to filehosts?
1. I have premium account already for all the filehosts, I can remote upload within very few minutes, but download completely depends on my Internet speed.
Eg, I can remote upload like 10MB or more speed( with my actual Internet speed is 90KBps).But download is for 90KBps, since my Internet speed is 90KBps.

2. Tried with IDM, unfortunately, that did not work any file hosts.

Yes, there should be a way. But we do not find or know, unfortunately.
How that is possible to upload with 10MBps speed remotely to filehosts, even I have low/90KBps Internet speed?
Did you get the logic or point?
Everyone knows how to get faster internet, except you, my friend. It's called: BUY FASTER INTERNET, else, don't ask stupid questions, because you look stupid. This is webmaster forum, not a kindergarden, if you didn't learned basics, wtf are you even doing here?

If your home internet download speed is 90kbps, you cannot download faster than that, unless you buy faster internet connection. Wow, that is completely illogical, huh?
I apologize, if my question is really stupid.
I am just trying to find a way to download, like remote upload speed is huge than actual Internet speed.

Why don't you think in a positive way, since I have most of the filehost's premium accounts.
It may be a technology breakthrough,,, ha ha ha LOL
Thank you all your inputs.
I will post here definitely, if I find a way.
No you can't xfactormaster, just upgrade your internet connection to a faster one. There's no way you'll be able to get more than 90kbps. Only reason you get 10mb/s on filehosts is because of the connection the server has.
1. I have premium account already for all the filehosts, I can remote upload within very few minutes, but download completely depends on my Internet speed.
Eg, I can remote upload like 10MB or more speed( with my actual Internet speed is 90KBps).But download is for 90KBps, since my Internet speed is 90KBps.

2. Tried with IDM, unfortunately, that did not work any file hosts.
Remote Upload Speed is high because filehost's server downloads the file at high speed, it doesn't depend on your network speed.
However download does, since it is limited by your internet service provider.
As for uploading, you need to use a fast server for uploading & downloading.
Remote uploading function is done by servers of the filehosts, not by your computer/internet connection that is the reason of higher speeds. You are just commanding X filehost to download from Y and upload to their own server.
@Gh0st, soft2050, wrathem

May be you people are correct. Thank for explaining and make it understand to my little mind.

Actually, I do not require high Internet speed for my downloads. Suddenly, this point came into my Mind, and thought Upload and download speeds, but I am unable to grasp the real logic behind upload/downloads.
May be it's because of Server to Server transfer, for upload.
For download to computer, it don't work.
Example: You are Remote Uploading from RapidShare to MegaUpload or Whatever.
RapidShare has Fast Server Speed and MegaUpload has Fast Server speed.
Transmitted from RS at high Speed, received by MU at High speed.

The only place your internet connection was connected to this transfer was, that you guided RS to Remote Upload to MU.

You can not, I Repeat, You Can Not download to your PC any faster than your Internet connection permits you. In this case, not more than 90Kbps.

Answer for question 2. It could be possible, but I don't know which streaming hosts support Remote Upload.

Thank you for the very Clear explanation. I got the point crystal clearly.
Thanks alot for all the members, involved in this topic.
I am just learning from experts, like you all people.
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