Twitter vs Facebook, which is more effective?

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I use mostly facebook. It is user friendly and easy to use. Facebook helps to increase backlinks.

I think it depends on your target audience. I think facebook is better marketing channel for B2C market and twitter for B2B market. Then it also depends on the location of your customers. I think Facebook is more popular in EU and Twitter in US.
No Comparison of Twitter with Face Book

There is no comparison of Twitter with Face Book because on twitter you will get lastest news in second and on face book it is not possible on twitter you can easily find those people who are available on the streets.
Connect your twitter to your facebook, so everything u twwet is posted on fb, then put the twitter button on ur site to tweet content.

2 birds with 1 stone.
Depends on who you are trying to target.

Twitter tends to be more liberal

Facebook tends to be more conservative

More youth is on twitter, but Facebook contains more richer and some youth.

I prefer facebook.
Twitter vs Facebook

As of my opinion twitter is the best for promotion of your business because it gives many trending topics which you can integrated with your tweet so every one can visit you where as Facebook is not giving this type of trends.
Facebook and twitter both are good for increase traffic, but one of my favorites is twitter... in now days peoples using FB badly I thinks its just a time pass platform for peoples, but in twitter its a best and accurate platform.. So I am going to twitter.
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