Twitter vs Facebook, which is more effective?

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Whatever works for your product to increase traffic and sales for your sites.But if i had to choose,i would have chosen Facebook.Because of it's more than one billion users and it's an easier medium to connect to people.
I will choose twitter because Twitter seems to have the upper hand when it comes to followers, readership and functionality, the main reason being that Facebook just isn’t designed to distribute press and media releases as effectively as Twitter can.
I'm still new to marketing via Facebook and Twitter. From my recent experiences for personal benefits; twitter was great when i was doing a personal 'Vaporizer' stream because personal gain i was given a lot of merchandise that i then kept reviewing and retweeting.

From what i see, twitter seems to stem more from personal gain in the likes of merchandising, if you have something to sell and give away freebies i've seen larger production from branded names that way, because we all love free stuff don't we?

With facebook it has got a far more professional approach and has a broader reach with public views and to be honest i think for long term benefits what people like, share, follow seem to stay in news feeds a lot longer and are not lost under constant tweets. Plus you have the benefit of not being subdued by limited characters when trying to promote a company, product or other source of branding.
In my opinion, the most effective is Facebook. Because they have more advanced features than Twitter. Twitter is bit laggy and sometimes I don't know how to read people status on twitter because it's mixed with @ and #.
I think facebook is most usable all around the world. I think Facebook is better for internet marketing by Twitter. :)
I go with Facebook since in Facebook you can add more description to your story. In Twitter you could only have title (Twitter card is not enough btw)
I know if compare between Twitter and Facebook, more people here will choose facebook. But for me, Twitter is very useful to increase traffic and sales for my sites. Just want to know your opinion, if you can choose, which will you go with? and why ?
Please share any thoughts?:)

Either, or both will do. It is not about the platform, but it will depend on what the niche is and the business marketing strategy.
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