Hello i'm selling my website http://tvgag.net launched 2 weeks ago.
It's a video share to watch on facebook all you need is to find funny or incredible or whatever attractive video on youtube and add it on the site then Visitor must share on facebook to watch the video.
Actually all the traffic come from facebook, So you will need an active facebook page to get visitors, but don't worry this site come with his facebook page tvgag actually 12600+ fans but if you have more pages it will be perfect for more revenue.
I just started to use adsense on it 11 days ago and revenue are 29€ about 38$.
You will need to update everyday add as much of videos as you can 4 5 or 10 post them on the facebook page or on all your facebook pages not all on the same time. The traffic will not come alone for the buyer of this site he need to keep updating and posting on facebook.
Domain registred at dynadot
Expiration: 2013/03/11
Proof: http://tvgag.net/proof.txt
Traffic details.
Revenue adsense details
What is included:
1) Domain name - tvgag.net
2) Full website content + script
3) facebook page tvgag 12600+
Starting Bid: $100
Bid Increments: $10
Methods of Payment: Paypal
Auction End Date: 24.04.2012
BIN (Buy It Now) Price: $250
It's a video share to watch on facebook all you need is to find funny or incredible or whatever attractive video on youtube and add it on the site then Visitor must share on facebook to watch the video.
Actually all the traffic come from facebook, So you will need an active facebook page to get visitors, but don't worry this site come with his facebook page tvgag actually 12600+ fans but if you have more pages it will be perfect for more revenue.
I just started to use adsense on it 11 days ago and revenue are 29€ about 38$.
You will need to update everyday add as much of videos as you can 4 5 or 10 post them on the facebook page or on all your facebook pages not all on the same time. The traffic will not come alone for the buyer of this site he need to keep updating and posting on facebook.
Domain registred at dynadot
Expiration: 2013/03/11

Proof: http://tvgag.net/proof.txt
Traffic details.

Revenue adsense details

What is included:
1) Domain name - tvgag.net
2) Full website content + script
3) facebook page tvgag 12600+
Starting Bid: $100
Bid Increments: $10
Methods of Payment: Paypal
Auction End Date: 24.04.2012
BIN (Buy It Now) Price: $250