nice one great tutorial bookmarked it waiting for 6th edition
thanx really appreciated
can u please add
kloxo + ngnix + wordpress Tutorial this will be awesome thanx u are u good person![]()
going to download :D
Thanks Bharat (भरत)![]()
epic share mate
Thanks for posting this up, could you provide more detailed tutorials on Kloxo if you have them.
i would like to see this topic getting sticked
i bet this thread can draw organic traffic
I too vouch for this topic to get stickied. Bharat doing really great work...It's really helpful to community...
Few words about Bharat, member which started this thread.
Couple days ago, i have conflicted with huge problem on my server.
I was searching for solution and fixes almost two days...
Than Bharat appeared. Miracle happened after couple of hours of his work.
With this post, i would like to say how much i appreciate this guy, and work he did.
I would also suggest his server company, if you are in doubt which host provider to choose, because the guy is expert.
Bharat, Thanks.
Mostly on security.
oh yes, securing a vps or dedicated server would be very useful for anyone : Great work Bharat, i read your ebooks, simple, clear and easy to understand for newbies ... thanks a lot
thank you for sharing, love the DDOS guide :D