[Tutorial] How to download Releases from IRC
This might not be the fastest method for uploaders, but for everyone else it's worth checking out.
1. You need a client to connect to IRC network. mIRC is the most popular client. Download and install it.
2. Once you have mIRC installed, it must be configured properly.
In the Connect Tab, enter your nickname. Then move on to DCC tab
In DCC tab, make sure its set to auto get & auto accept
In DCC>Folders, set where your downloads will be placed
In DCC>Ignore, you can set which filetypes to accept, deny, or just disable it. Its a good idea to deny .exe filetypes etc. Unckeck "Turn ignore back in"
In DCC>Server tab, enable DCC server
3. Now it's time to connect to a server. For this Example I will be using server: irc.abjects.net 6667 and channel #moviegods
In the text box, type /server irc.abjects.net 6667
Once connected to the server, in text box type /join #moviegods
This will connect you to #moviegods channel, you will also be spammed with tons of releases.
Heres how to read them. <bot name> <pack #> <0x = times snatched> <filesize> <Release name>
To download something. Use the following command: /msg <bot name> xdcc send <pack #>
In this example, I requested "Catch 44" you can see what command I typed in the chat box
After you request a file, you will either be placed in a queue, or the file will start downloading instantly. The speed varies with each bot. Some are faster than 1mb/s and some are slower.
Thats pretty much it. To search files on #moviegods, join #mg-chat channel and in the text box type: !search <release name> or you can type !latest for the newest stuff.
Also, you are able to search DCC releases on websites like DCCreport
Let me know if you have any questions!
This might not be the fastest method for uploaders, but for everyone else it's worth checking out.
1. You need a client to connect to IRC network. mIRC is the most popular client. Download and install it.
2. Once you have mIRC installed, it must be configured properly.
In the Connect Tab, enter your nickname. Then move on to DCC tab
In DCC tab, make sure its set to auto get & auto accept
In DCC>Folders, set where your downloads will be placed
In DCC>Ignore, you can set which filetypes to accept, deny, or just disable it. Its a good idea to deny .exe filetypes etc. Unckeck "Turn ignore back in"
In DCC>Server tab, enable DCC server
3. Now it's time to connect to a server. For this Example I will be using server: irc.abjects.net 6667 and channel #moviegods
In the text box, type /server irc.abjects.net 6667
Once connected to the server, in text box type /join #moviegods
This will connect you to #moviegods channel, you will also be spammed with tons of releases.
Heres how to read them. <bot name> <pack #> <0x = times snatched> <filesize> <Release name>
To download something. Use the following command: /msg <bot name> xdcc send <pack #>
In this example, I requested "Catch 44" you can see what command I typed in the chat box
After you request a file, you will either be placed in a queue, or the file will start downloading instantly. The speed varies with each bot. Some are faster than 1mb/s and some are slower.
Thats pretty much it. To search files on #moviegods, join #mg-chat channel and in the text box type: !search <release name> or you can type !latest for the newest stuff.
Also, you are able to search DCC releases on websites like DCCreport
Let me know if you have any questions!