TusFiles Discussion thread

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tusfiles is paying

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tusfiles is paying

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after request payout in 3 days or 5 days?
tusfiles is paying

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after request payout in 3 days or 5 days?

only 3 days
I used them as sort of an experiment on a certain site and then pretty much forgot about it. I logged into my account the other day as a lark and was surprised by how much $$ was in it. I requested the $$, not expecting to actually get it, and 3 days later it showed up in my PP account. So yeah, they pay.
Bought premium account, arrived BUT the key didn't work, i contact them and they refused to refund the money or give another key... this thing is a SCAM...
Bought premium account, arrived BUT the key didn't work, i contact them and they refused to refund the money or give another key... this thing is a SCAM...

How did you pay for it? You should be able to get your money back from the source you used, especially if it was a CC.
Not Pay

they don't already pay.
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as of today its been 2 months since ive been paid... but they dont seem to be the only host not paying !! i have 4 other hosts that used to pay well , now no payment from any of them . Is there something going on ??
im dissappointed with this site, after a month of waiting still no payment. i dont use it for a couple of weeks while waiting for payment. then seems no payment made, i send ticket and i got a reply why did i not use them for a while?! i said because im waiting for a month for payment before back using them. then tus replied they will inform me about the pending payment...then several weeks passed still no payment and of course not using them...then they decide me not to pay and reject the payment...i have a pending payment plus another supposed to be requested also....use tus at your own risk.
im dissappointed with this site, after a month of waiting still no payment. i dont use it for a couple of weeks while waiting for payment. then seems no payment made, i send ticket and i got a reply why did i not use them for a while?! i said because im waiting for a month for payment before back using them. then tus replied they will inform me about the pending payment...then several weeks passed still no payment and of course not using them...then they decide me not to pay and reject the payment...i have a pending payment plus another supposed to be requested also....use tus at your own risk.

3 months pending... Tusfiles is scam site now!!
Hello.... :wave:

What are the other good AVI hosts which pay for the up-loaders? {Host should need to be 100% FREE for all end users with fast downloads }

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